FS: Pascal X-PRO3 Amplifier Kits - very powerful! - diyAudio
Pascal X-PRO3 3 Channel Amplifier Kits. 3 channels: 1 x 2000W, 2 x 700W. This includes the amplifier modules and the pro evaluation input boards, cables & documentation. Brand new and unused. The actual modules are still factory sealed. Included input board will receive a pro level input of 7V. Looking for $1350 for the pair, but open to offers.
富士XPRO3到底香不香?哪里香?一篇文章给你说透_相机_什么值 …
2020年1月9日 · xpro3继续升级了对焦算法,比xt3更快,是目前(截止xpro3发布)富士对焦速度zui快的机型. 更重要的是,xpro3大幅提升了暗部对焦性能,达到了可怕的-6ev, xt3是-3ev,-6ev啥概念呢?
单评 | 富士X-Pro3深度测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
新EVF使用一块369万像素分辨率的OLED面板,对比度从X-Pro2的1:300直接提升到1:5000,覆盖97%的sRGB色彩空间,刷新率从86fps提高到了100fps。 可以说提升明显。 该机拥有非常有趣的屏幕设计,在机身背面,X-pro3设置了一块1.28英寸的彩色液晶屏,并用钢化玻璃保护,这块屏幕只要安装了电池并有电就会常亮,显示当前的白平衡、胶片模拟模式和感光度等。 有趣的是,不同胶片模拟模式下,小窗的颜色会有所不同,很好的模拟了胶片机时代大家插到相机后盖上的胶 …
回归纯粹摄影-富士xpro3开箱 - 原创分享(新) - Chiphell - 分享与交 …
2020年9月24日 · 之前玩了一阵子xpro3,最后还是因为屏幕的原因出了,最近入了x100v,舒心不少,因为是副机,不能换镜头也不算大的缺点。 大佬,q2的漆还和q一样薄吗? 大佬又入新机啦,R5和R6有没有打算来一发啊? 把颜值 ... xt4 帮顶,好机器,就是没防抖有点坑,其实和xt4前后脚出来的,不知道为啥不加上。 xpro系列更新很慢,下一代xpro4估计要2022-2023年了. xt4 帮顶,好机器,就是没防抖有点坑,其实和xt4前后脚出来的,不知道为啥不加上。 xpro系列更新 …
激进的绝唱~富士xpro3 - 什么值得买
2024年3月8日 · 纵观当下的数码相机,富士xpro3可以说是最为独特的存在,背屏内藏,向外则只有一块彩色水墨屏,这个灵感源自于胶片时代相机后盖上的胶卷提示插槽,如此的设计带来纯粹复古趣味的同时则是两极分化以及最终的后果
FS: Pascal X-PRO3 High Output Amplifier Kits - Techtalk Speaker ...
For Sale : A pair of Pascal X-PRO3 High Output Amplifier Kits. 2 x X-PRO3 modules with the pro evaluation I/O board, cables & documentation. These are all brand new and have not been used. The actual modules are still factory sealed. The I/O board is customized for a professional input level of of 7V. I am looking for $1350 for the pair.
FS: Fujifilm X-Pro 3 (Black) and 23/1.4 R LM WR Lens - MINTY
2024年1月24日 · However you can see it in the window when using the OVF. I never used the OVF so it was a non issue to me either way. Otherwise the camera is perfect. Please know I purchased it without the box. It only comes with the original Fuji battery, thumbrest and camera body. Asking $1350 Net to me for the XPRO3. 403 image count. I’ll cover shipping.
FT: /FS: XPro3 + 23/2 + Mitakon 35/0.95 for X100V - FM Forums
2024年1月14日 · Hey y’all… looking to take my kit down a fixed lens camera to have something a little smaller for travel so I’d like to part with my black XPro3 with black 23mm f/2 lens and black Mitakon Speedmaster 35mm f/0.95. In exchange, I’d be looking for a black X100V. Details on my equipment: Fuji XPro3 in Black, Body Cap, Original Battery.
FS: Fujifilm Xpro3 Dura Silver + Lenses - FM Forums
2024年8月18日 · FS: Fujifilm Xpro3 Dura Silver + Lenses ... Fuji Xpro3 - $1600 Fuji 18mm F2 - $450 Fuji 23mm F2 - $300 Mitakon 35mm F0.95 - $250 If you prefer to buy it all, you can have it for $2300 including fees and shipping. Camera is in great condition except for a few scuff marks. Will include 5 batteries.
FS: Pascal X-PRO3 Amplifier Modules - diyAudio
2017年2月16日 · For Sale : A pair of Pascal X-PRO3 3 Channel Amplifier Kits. 3 channels: 1 x 2000W, 2 x 700W. This includes the amplifier modules and the pro evaluation input board, cables & documentation. All brand new and have not been used. The actual modules are still factory sealed. The input board is a customized for a pro level input of 7V.