XQC Drama & Related Topics : r/LivestreamFail - Reddit
2022年9月18日 · The XQC drama with adept has already come full circle. They seemingly made up on stream by watching old clips of their relationship. They are perfect for each other because they enjoy all of this drama Aware
Xqc Poke Fran Gigi drama thread : r/Destiny - Reddit
XQC got really angry and for some reason brought up that he wanted poke to buy the blue balloons for his gf's birthday but poke ended up buying green ones, which xqc heavily implies was intentional in order to sabotage their relationship, then poke says that they were actually OUT of the blue balloons but xqc doesn't buy that, accusing poke of ...
xQc Won The Adept Case : r/LivestreamFail - Reddit
2023年12月5日 · On the fourth xQc's lawyer submitted a letter before claim (formal letter putting a person on notice that court proceedings may be brought against them), that they would file lawsuits for leaking private communications, publishing confidential information about the Nopixel company, defamation, and so on. Her legal team decided to drop the case.
xQc explains the "TriHard 7" drama : r/Competitiveoverwatch
2018年3月9日 · xqc posts "TriHard 7" as a way to say "what's up", happened to post it at the same time malik was on screen. talked to malik about it afterwards explaining that it was an honest mistake and malik was cool with it. xqc then talked to trihex (streamer whose face is used on the emote) about his thoughts and how it's used in a racist manner
What's up with xQc, Poke, and Jesse, and a court case?
2023年8月14日 · honestly the entire situation was already fucked when it was just the "divorce" stuff started happening between X and Adept a few months ago, but now its basically season 2 of the drama and stuff is being thrown around by all the people involved so its basically a fog of war of "he said, she said", especially as more information is coming out ...
XQC Drama Over : r/LivestreamFail - Reddit
Understandably, xQc, in his paranoia, stopped giving a fuck for a moment about a person he thought was plotting against him. Obviously, xQc is in the wrong for it, but it's probably the closest you can get to justifying the cheating imo.
Someone give me the summary on Qt and xqc drama please
2022年9月17日 · Xqc broke up with adept, big drama, they leak stuff about relationship etc. X has a weird dicord call with adept on stream Qt tweeted that xqc hold his ex girlfriend "hostage infront of his women hating audience"* Xqc got mad about that and made a …
TLDR on the Kick drama with Hasan, Pokimane and xQc : r/xqcow
2023年6月21日 · Yes, this whole argument derailed because xQc misinterpreted what Pokimane said, Poki said that within her morals, she wouldn't stream on Kick, because of the proximity of gambling and Stake is to Kick, she doesn't support and condone gambling, and after that, she said that with xQc, he is perfectly fine taking the deal and streaming with Kick, regardless of the proximity gambling and Stake is ...
What's the Argument Between XQC and PokeLawls About? : …
2023年8月13日 · The drama is constantly evolving and they are arguing about like 5 different things and going in circles around the 5 things. I honestly can't keep up. Reply reply
Summary of the drama : r/xqcow - Reddit
2023年8月14日 · To say that adept hasnt tried taking advantage of xqc is disingenuous. Even fran was saying adept baited him. Two things can be correct, xqc can be guilty of cheating, guilty of making the decision to involve himself with another woman while knowingly not being done with his previously relatiponship, and adept can be manipulative, conniving ...