XRFsdh 5265 Prime BioFresh NoFrost 对开门组合冰箱 - Liebherr
SmartSteel 智能钢表面突显这部电器的精纯设计语言,成就适合各种厨房环境的亮眼单品。 水平抛光工艺使不锈钢呈现丝绸般的细腻光泽,令人心情愉悦。
XRFsd 5265 Prime BioFresh NoFrost Side-by-Side combination
Control of your Liebherr at your fingertips: thanks to the Touch & Swipe display, you can operate your refrigerator intuitively and with ease. Simply select functions such as SuperCool on the colour display by tapping and swiping. The temperature is controlled just as easily.
SmartSteel 智能钢表面彰显了 Liebherr 的高端品质,真正吸引消费者眼球,是家具设计师的匠心之作。 突显了不锈钢质感,给冰箱门表面带来如丝绸般的光泽,手感舒适顺滑。 防指纹涂层不易沾染指纹,易于清洗。 您是否有过这样的经历?把所有采购物品放入冷冻室后,发现还漏放了一件,需要再次用力打开冰箱,但是,Liebherr 冰箱可让您免除这样的烦恼。 凭借 EasyOpen 轻松开启设计,您可以轻松便捷地一次次打开冰箱门。 该间隔器,冰箱仍可以正常工作,但可能会稍微增加耗电量。 为了达 …
XRFsdh 5265 Side-by-Side Combination Fridge – Liebherr Shop
With its full stainless steel body, the timelessly elegant XRFsdh 5265 Prime Side-by-Side combination with BioFresh and NoFrost will be an optical highlight in your home. BioFresh technology keeps your stored food much fresher for longer. This model features a full freezer unit, perfect for households that prefer more space for frozen goods.
Liebherr利勃海尔 XRFsd 5265 独立式对开门冰箱 - XRFsd 5265
Liebherr利勃海尔 XRFsd 5265 独立式对开门冰箱 - XRFsd 5265 - -
Liebherr Side-by-Side combination fridge-freezer XRFsdh 5265
Liebherr Side-by-Side combination fridge-freezer XRFsdh 5265 - BluPerformance Peak BioFresh NoFrost Contains the following appliances: SFNsdh 5267 Prime NoFrost Freestanding freezer with NoFrost and IceTower SRBsdh 5260 Prime BioFresh Freestanding fridge with BioFresh Professional Exterior dimensions: height/width/depth 1.855 / 1.204 / 675 mm ...
XRFsdh 5265 Prime BioFresh NoFrost Side-by-Side combination
Sensitive food also stays fresh for a long time in BioFresh safes. For example, a temperature of close to 0 °C means the Meat & Dairy safe provides the ideal storage conditions for meat or fresh milk. There’s also higher humidity in the Fruit & Vegetable safe thanks to the air-tight closure – perfect for fruit and vegetables.
Liebherr XRFsd 5265 Prime Refrigerator | Freshness Redefined
Keep your food fresh with Liebherr XRFsdh-5265 Side-by-Side Fridge-Freezer. NoFrost, BioFresh and sleek design. Buy now for ultimate freshness!
SmartSteel is a special coating which reduces the visibility of fingerprints and smudges, whilst also making the surface insensitive to scratches. The horizontal polish brings out the stainless steel and gives it a silky sheen and a pleasant feel.
XRFSDH 5265 Prime Biofresh Nofrost Side by Side
BioFresh-Plus with separate electronics provides even more flexibility for individual grocery storage: For example, the temperature in the top compartment can be lowered to -2 °C to …