Fitting of x-ray reflectivity data — GenX 3.7.9 documentation
During the fit there are mainly three different tabs that are interesting. Firstly, the data tab that shows the data and model, the most understandable plot. Secondly, the FOM folder this shows the Figure of Merit as a function of the generations (iterations). When this has flattened out there will be little improvement of the fit.
从理论到实践,一文搞懂X射线反射率 (XRR) - Westlake
2023年12月11日 · X射线反射率(X-ray reflectivity,XRR)是一种分析薄膜厚度、粗糙度、密度的表面分析方法。 XRR的基本原理是利用X射线在薄膜表面及界面的反射及折射光的相互干涉,它和我们了解的XRD的衍射原理无关,因此XRR不止可以分析结晶薄膜,也可以分析无定形薄膜。
X射线反射率测试薄膜厚度 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月20日 · X射线反射率测试(xrr)是利用x射线在物质的表面和界面中发生的折射和反射,以及反射线之前的相互干涉所形成的干涉条纹对薄膜的性质进行研究的一种方法,可用于测量薄膜的密度、厚度、粗糙度等信息。
GenX - Home - GitHub Pages
2021年5月21日 · GenX is a versatile program using the differential evolution algorithm for fitting, primarily, X-ray and neutron reflectivity data, lately also surface x-ray diffraction data. The differential evolution algorithm is a robust optimization method which avoids local minima but at same is a highly effective.
应用分享 | X射线反射率 (X-ray reflectivity, XRR) - 知乎
xrr是一种方便、快速的分析单层或多层薄膜和表面的方法,是一种纳米尺度上的分析方法,同时可实现无损分析。 例如,通过 原子层沉积 (ALD)技术沉积的薄膜可以用XRR表征薄膜的厚度、密度和界面的粗糙度,同样也适用于其他方法制备的薄膜,如通过 分子层 ...
What is the best fitting software for XRR measurements?
2015年1月29日 · I would like to ask which is, on your opinion, the best fitting software available for XRR measurements? 1. Motofit written by Andrew Nelson, base on IGOR Wavemetrics (trial version IGOR +...
X射线反射率(X-ray reflectivity, XRR)介绍及应用案例分享
2023年10月31日 · xrr 是一种方便、快速的分析单层 或多层薄膜和表面的方法,是一种纳米尺度上的分析方法,同时可实现无损分析。 例如,通过原子层沉积 (ALD) 技术沉积的薄膜可以用 XRR 表征薄膜的厚度、密度和界面的粗糙度,同样也适用于其他方法制备的薄膜,如通过分子层 ...
Fast Fourier transform and multi-Gaussian fitting of XRR data to ...
We propose a thickness determination method that is based on X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements on double layer structures, i.e., substrate/base layer/top layer. XRR is a standard thin film characterization method.
XRR Plugin - Rigaku
XRR Plugin for SmartLab Studio II - X-ray reflectivity analysis software for a wide range of applications from simple film thickness analysis to detailed multilayer structure analysis
DIFFRAC.XRR features two different analysis approaches to best fit the user’s requirements: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method for a quick layer thickness estimation from the X-ray Reflectometry (XRR) curves with a single mouse-click. Detailed XRR analysis via sample-model based fitting using dynamical scattering theory.