Fluid (Galden®) | IBL Tech
IBL recommends Galden® fluids from Solvay Plastics for use in its vapor phase systems. Working in close cooperation with Solvay, the LS, XS and HS fluids were developed for vapor phase …
Vapor Phase Soldering | IBL Tech
It is ideally suited for all types of SMT components and base materials. It allows processing of all components without elaborate setup and without temperature profiling. A chemically inert fluid …
High Boiling Perfluorpolyeter – GALDEN XS 235 – IMDES …
2022年1月1日 · Highly resistant to reactive chemicals. The fluro atoms bound in the polymer chain in the framework of the display helps protect sensitive C-C connections against chemical …
Galden® LS / HS is a line of fully fluorinated fluids specifically designed for the Vapor Phase Soldering process. The narrow molecular weight distribution as well. as the very strong carbon …
Galden Solderfluid HS235 (XS235), 5 kg - etronixab.com
Heat transfer media specially used in vapor phase soldering process. Galden Perfluorinated fluid HS240 was developed for soldering of lead free AOX755 and Sn100C alloys .Galden Galden …
Fluid (Galden®) | IBL Löttechnik
IBL empfiehlt Wärmeübertragungsmittel Galden der Firma Solvay Plastics für den Einsatz in der Dampfphasenlötanlage. In Zusammenarbeit mit Solvay wurden die LS, XS und HS-Serien für …
汽相回流焊接工艺优势——常见焊接问题解决方案 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月29日 · IBL汽相回流焊接系统常用于军工、航空、航天、船舶、汽车电子、半导体功率模块等高可靠需求的应用,无氧环境与传热均匀性等特性与优势带来高焊接质量。
Jetzt Lötmedium Galden Siedepunkt 235°C Kaufen - Farr GmbH
Lötmedium Galden Siedepunkt 235°C. Medium ist als Flüssigkeit für Dampfphasen-Lötanlagen, oder als Kühlmittel geeignet. Medium für höhere/niedrigere Siedetemperaturen. Neumaschinen.
IBL真空汽相回流焊技术:上海桐尔带您电子制造新风尚_上海桐尔科 …
2024年8月27日 · IBL真空汽相回流焊技术,以其独特的真空环境和汽相传热原理,实现了对PCB板温度的精准控制和无温差加热。 这一创新设计,不仅大幅提升了焊接质量,减少了焊点缺 …
Vapor phase soldering oven - CX series - IBL-Löttechnik GmbH
IBL’s CX600/CX800 is fully automated inline vapor phase soldering solution. It provides precise, high quality results at medium to high volume throughput. The machines feature a …