XTS2500 USMC radio questions - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年3月4日 · The PRC-153 is mostly a regular UHF XTS2500 380-470MHz but with a dim display for night vision goggles and AES-256 encryption integrated into the keypad. It …
XTS2500 multiple scan lists | RadioReference.com Forums
2025年2月10日 · XTS2500 VHF Ok so first, I looked all over including the forums, and found how to set up one scan list, but not multiple ones. I frequently travel to Different areas around …
XTS2500 "AN" vs."BN" Radios - RadioReference.com Forums
2011年2月21日 · "AN" XTS2500's are more limited in current features/functions. These radios, due to their 4 meg flashrom size limitation can only be upgraded to Host Firmware R09.XX.XX. …
xts2500 - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年2月23日 · Hello all, I recently got a Motorola XTS2500 and the correct programming cable. I got the ASTRO 25 software and got it to read the radio and am able to change some …
XTS2500 ABC Switch Fix - Codeplug Fix! - RadioReference.com …
2010年12月8日 · Ya ya, that being said, for those with XTS2500 and having issues with their ABC switch malfunctioning, this will fix the problem. Tested and verified working. You won't say the …
XTS2500 upgrades - RadioReference.com Forums
2018年5月3日 · Just picked up a lot of xts2500 BN versions 800mhz versions. For next to nothing. They are all analog right now, what would I need to do get them to do 9600 baud trunking and …
XTS2500 Possible Flashcode? - RadioReference.com Forums
2017年6月27日 · XTS2500 D12 B1 Q806: ASTRO IMBE Digital Operation D12 B3 H14: Enhanced Digital ID Display D11 B2 Q52: Federal Government FPP D8 B1 Q883: 3600/9600 …
Thin/Compact battery for the XTS2500 - RadioReference.com …
2021年9月24日 · The thin one i use for my XTS2500 is HNN9013D Slim Lithium Ion 2100mAh i think. Its for the Warris line so think HT750/1250 and uses their charger. They also make a …
XTS2500 Compatible mics? - RadioReference.com Forums
2013年3月22日 · They don't work with the XTS2500. I have a 5023 and a XTS2500 in my hand right now. The mic is completely invisible to the radio. Even the speaker doesn't work. There …
Motorola XTS2500 (display & lights) - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年3月15日 · What NCIS was misinformed about these radios was the H02/H04 options. They thought these radios could stun or kill other Military equipment like radars, air craft carriers, …