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What You Need to Know About XBB.1.5, the Latest Omicron Variant
2023年1月6日 · Lab studies suggest that the bivalent vaccine is still effective in protecting against severe disease, though perhaps not as much against infection. XBB.1.5 is derived from the omicron variant BA.2, and while the current bivalent vaccine was developed for the BA.5 variant, it has been shown to generate antibodies that recognize BA.2.
COVID-19 Variant XBB.1.5: What to Know - TIME
2023年1月3日 · XBB.1.5, a new variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, is spreading in the U.S. and may start a wave of new infection and reinfections.
XBB.1.5 COVID Variant Symptoms: Runny Nose, Sore Throat and …
2023年2月4日 · Global healthcare officials have labeled XBB.1.5, a subvariant that is currently responsible for the bulk of new COVID-19 cases, as the most contagious Omicron mutation they've seen to date.
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2023年1月3日 · XBB.1.5 是 Omicron XBB 变体的近亲,它是 Omicron BA.2.10.1 和 BA.2.75 亚变体的重组体。 2023年1月1日,根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,XBB.1.5 变种正在美国迅速传播,数据显示, XBB.1.5 约占美国确诊 COVID 病例的 41%,从一周前的21%迅速跃升到41%,目前这种变体占据了主导地位。 新毒株占美国41% 约翰霍普金斯大学病毒学家 Andrew Pekosz 表示, XBB.1.5 似乎具有高度免疫逃避能力,因为它有一个额外的突变F486P,使其更 …
New COVID Variant XBB.1.5: What It Is, Symptoms and What You …
2023年1月3日 · The variant is XBB.1.5, a highly contagious "recombinant" variant that spawned from two different BA.2 variants. It is related to the XBB variant, which was previously behind a COVID surge in...
New COVID variant 'most transmissible' yet detected, says WHO
2023年1月4日 · The World Health Organization confirmed the XXB.1.5 COVID variant has been detected in 25 countries so far.
Omicron Variant XBB.1.5: What To Know About Severity, …
2023年1月6日 · Omicron XBB.1.5 is a recombinant (or a hybrid) of two omicron sublineages that descended from another omicron subvariant called BA.2, according to experts at the World Health...
What is known about new Covid variant XBB.1.5?
2023年1月10日 · According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates, nearly 28% of Covid cases in the US in the first week of January were caused by XBB.1.5. It had previously estimated as many as 40% of...
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