GitHub - xyzroe/XZG: Unifies the best innovations from previous …
XZG Firmware unifies the best innovations from previous Zigbee gateway projects into a single, comprehensive solution. By focusing the community's efforts on enhancing one product, XZG aims to streamline development, thereby improving …
zigbee第四弹:通用zigbee网关(wgnetzg) - 冬瓜开源硬件及教 …
2024年10月31日 · 通用zigbee网关: 源自zigstar的Universal ZigBee Gateway的名称,本人觉得较合理,所以直接中文翻译。 因为本身是抽空做的,原理图将就着看吧! 1、建议先在常规里面更改一下时区 Asia/Shanghai,其他配置看个人喜好。 2、在 Zibgee 页面中的配置生成器中复制红框内的信息。 注意不要更改波特率、我测试发现更改后Z2M运行不起来。 3、在加载项商店内下载 Zigbee2MQTT 并进入 配置。
Releases · xyzroe/XZG - GitHub
Unifies the best innovations from previous Zigbee gateway projects into a single, comprehensive solution - xyzroe/XZG
XZG - Web Flasher - XZG Firmware - xyzroe's blog
XZG - Web Flasher¶ Flash or Find your device using next options: Plug in your gateway to a USB port. Hit "Install" and select the correct COM port. No device found? Get XZG firmware installed and connected in less than 3 minutes!
xyzroe - GitHub
GUI wrapper designed for convenient service work with TI CC1352/CC2538/CC2652 based Zigbee sticks or gateways. Packed into single executable file. Something went wrong, please refresh the page to try again. If the problem persists, check the GitHub status page or contact support. xyzroe has 42 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Quick start - XZG Firmware - xyzroe's blog
XZG Firmware unifies the best innovations from previous Zigbee gateway projects into a single, comprehensive solution. By focusing the community's efforts on enhancing one product, XZG aims to streamline development, thereby improving …
智能家居的触手-zigbee杂谈 - 『HASS兼容产品』众测专区 - 『瀚 …
2024年12月3日 · 网关使用开箱预装了XZG固件,可以连接wifi热点选择加入网络或是插入网线后,等待一会 浏览器访问http://xzg.local/,就可以看到xzg的网络界面 页面中找到zigbee选项卡,选择ZHA,复制路径
XZG Zigbee网关,打造智能家居的桥梁[持续更新ing] - 『HASS兼 …
2024年11月24日 · 很幸运参与了这次# 通用Zigbee网关免费送,邀你一起来评测!# 论坛链接zigbee模块故障还是有什么bug。zigbee信号差的不是一丁半点同一个设备,在我正用的zigbe ... XZG Zigbee网关,打造智能家居的桥梁[持续更新ing] ,『瀚思彼岸』» 智能家居技术论坛
Lifehacks - XZG Firmware - xyzroe's blog
According to this article by Metageek the best is to use channel 15 for Zigbee and channels 1,6 and 11 for your home WiFi networks. The rule - make the networks as less overlaps as possible. if you do not know your XZG adapter's IP address, you can reach web-interface by following to xzg.local in your browser.
通用zigbee网关测评 - 『HomeAssistant』综合讨论区 - 『瀚思彼岸 …
2024年11月23日 · 1.为了方便,我是采用网线方式接入网关,接入网线后,在局域网内直接访问http://xzg.local(路由器需要支持mdns功能),就可以顺利的进入网关管理页面,管理页面可以看到设备信息、网络、zigbee等相关信息。此处看到了我这个网关自动获取的ip地址是192.168.1.201。