Haplogroup J (Y-DNA) - Wikipedia
Haplogroup J-M304, also known as J, [Phylogenetics 1] is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is believed to have evolved in Western Asia. [2] The clade spread from there during the Neolithic, primarily into North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Socotra Archipelago, the Caucasus, Europe, Anatolia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Y染色体单倍群——J - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
单倍群 J-M304,也称为 J,是 人类 Y 染色体 DNA 单倍群。 据信它是在 西亚 进化的。 新石器时代,这个分支从那里传播开来,主要传播到 北非 、 非洲之角 、 索科特拉群岛 、 高加索 、 欧洲 、 安纳托利亚 、 中亚 、 南亚 和 东南亚。 单倍群 J-M304 分为两个主要 亚支 (分支): J-M267 和 J-M172。 据信,单倍群 J-M304于大约 43,000 年前在西亚从 单倍群 I-M170 中分离出来,因为这两个谱系都是 单倍群 IJ 的 分支。 单倍群 IJ 和单倍群 K 源自 单倍群 IJK,并且仅在这个分 …
Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) - Eupedia
History and description of Haplogroup J1 (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Haplogroup J1 is the dominant Arabic and Cohanim paternal lineage. It originated around the Caucasus and expanded during the Neolithic towards East Africa.
Haplogroup J-M267 - Wikipedia
Haplogroup J-M267, also commonly known as Haplogroup J1, is a subclade (branch) of Y-DNA haplogroup J-P209 (commonly known as haplogroup J) along with its sibling clade haplogroup J-M172 (commonly known as haplogroup J2). (All these haplogroups have had other historical names listed below.
YDNA Haplogroup J - J1 and J2 - Your DNA Guide
2021年10月13日 · Y-chromosome haplogroup J, and its subgroups J1 and J2, are connected with origins in the Arabian Peninsula, Southern Europe and North Africa, and among many men of Ashkenazi Jewish, Arab Bedouin, Uygur and Uzbek origin. Explore J …
Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades - 2013 - International …
2013年8月19日 · Y-DNA haplogroup J evolved in the ancient Near East and was carried into North Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Pakistan and India. J2 lineages originated in the area known as the Fertile Crescent.
FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup J-FT150337
Descendant lineages are identified as people test their Y-DNA with the Big Y test. At least two testers from a lineage are needed for a new branch to be named and added to the tree. There are 2 DNA tested descendants, and they specified that …
Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades - 2010 - International …
2010年10月28日 · Y-DNA haplogroup J evolved in the ancient Near East and was carried into North Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Pakistan and India. J2 lineages originated in the area known as the Fertile Crescent. The main spread of J2 into the Mediterranean area is thought to have coincided with the expansion of agricultural peoples during the Neolithic period.
Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267
2021年3月23日 · Human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 is a common male lineage in West Asia. One high-frequency region-encompassing the Arabian Peninsula, southern Mesopotamia, and the southern Levant-resides ~ 2000 km away from the other one found in the Caucasus. The region between them, although has a lower freq …
J-M304 Y-DNA - Background - FamilyTreeDNA
Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, and mtDNA tests. J-M304 Y-DNA 2234 members
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