Haplogroup K-M9 - Wikipedia
Haplogroup K or K-M9 is a genetic lineage within human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. A sublineage of haplogroup IJK, K-M9, and its descendant clades represent a geographically …
Haplogroup K2 - Wikipedia
Haplogroup K2, also known as K-M526 and formerly known as MNOPS, [5] is a human Y-DNA haplogroup.
Y染色体单倍群——K - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
单倍群 K或K-M9是人类 Y 染色体 DNA 单倍群内的遗传谱系。 单倍群 IJK 、K-M9的一个亚系及其后代分支代表了地理上分布广泛且多样化的单倍群。 除南极洲外,各个大陆的雄性中早已发 …
Y-DNA Haplogroup K-M9 - FamilyTreeDNA Discover
These 12 Y chromosome mutations are shared by everyone in this haplogroup. They show a paternal lineage of father-son relationships that have accumulated mutations over time. Learn …
分子人类学揭示的人类迁徙和族群分布 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Y-DNA单倍群的分支结构组成一个 Y染色体进化树,有数百甚至数千的突变由这些不同的单倍群共享。 Y染色体的最近的共同祖先(most recent common ancestor MRCA),也被称为 Y染色 …
人类Y染色体DNA单倍型类群 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
人类Y染色体DNA单倍型类群(Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup)是利用Y染色体遺傳變異特性進行人類學研究的一門科學,主要用于研究人類的“非洲起源論”及以後的種群分布的遺傳 …
Y-DNA Haplogroup K and its Subclades - 2014 - International …
2014年10月8日 · Y-DNA haplogroup K is an old lineage established approximately 40,000 thousand years ago whose origins were probably in southwestern Asia. K's structure is …
Haplogroup K2a (Y-DNA) - Wikipedia
Hypothetical migration routes of haplogroup K and its subclades. Haplogroup K2a (M2308, Z4842) is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup.K2a is a primary subclade of haplogroup …
Haplogroup K (Y-DNA) - wikidoc
In human genetics, Haplogroup K (M9) is a Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It first appeared approximately 40,000 years ago in Iran or southern Central Asia. Today, haplogroup …
Haplogroup K (Y-DNA) - SNPedia
Haplogroup K (Y-DNA) is an old lineage established approximately more than 40,000 years ago. Y-DNA haplogroup K and its subclades by International Society of Genetic Genealogy ISOGG …