eli5: How did we solve the Y2K bug? : r/explainlikeimfive - Reddit
2022年11月28日 · Think avionics in aircraft (the B52 is like 70 years old, 30 year old aircraft are common), the sewage pump under your street, the xray machine at the hospital, your car, radio transmitters, missile control systems, telecommunication equipment, industrial machines in factories, ship navigation systems - the list goes on. This is the real Y2K bug.
ELI5: How did we "solve" the Y2K problem? Was our solution
Y2K was resolved through a lot of tedious work in the last eight months of 1999. In certain industries (particularly the utilities and finance industry and their "supply chains"), there were legal requirements to enumerate every system that used or stored dates, and then obtain certifications from each and every vendor that the system had been ...
ELI5: What exactly was the danger of the Y2K bug - Reddit
A big part of the issue during Y2K was that things were less standard and many companies had their own sub-par implementations of dates and times. I believe that happens somewhat less today, because no-one wants to write a new date-time library when superior and full-featured libraries already exist and are easier to use.
The Y2K 'Bug' - was it really a thing? : r/retrobattlestations - Reddit
2023年10月22日 · So, as someone who barely remebers the year 2000, I've seen the Family Guy and Simpsons epsodes on Y2K and how ridiculous some of the potential 'consequences' could be (planes dropping out of the sky, etc.) and we all remeber that ad with Leonard Nemoy - but was Y2K an actual concern or a marketing oppurtunity and a thing created by tech companies to make a quick buck on complience testiing?
How to get "Y2K bug" achievement : r/Progressbar95 - Reddit
2023年8月22日 · The unofficial Scratch community on Reddit. Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations.
TIL the “Y2K bug”, wherein people feared computers ... - Reddit
TIL the “Y2K bug”, wherein people feared computers glitching on the 1st of Jan 2000 and crushing the global economy but never happened, was a real crisis that was averted with $500B dollars in Global preparation spending
Time Bomb Y2K - documentary on HBO about the Y2K bug
2024年1月5日 · A subreddit about Y2K (also known as Cyber Y2K, Futuristic Y2K, or Kaybug), an aesthetic that was prevalent in pop culture from 1998 to 2004 and, to lesser extents, 1997 and 2005. We also allow posts that aren't futuristic or sci-fi, but have late 90s to early 2000s vibes. Early Frutiger Aero and Metro (pre-2009) posts are allowed as well.
The Y2K computer bug was a very real threat to global IT ... - Reddit
The Y2K computer bug was a very real threat to global IT infrastructure and the only reason “nothing happened” was countless hours of work put in by computer specialists in the late 1990s to correct the problem before the deadline.
ELI5: What was the Y2K scare? and was there any validity to it?
2014年5月1日 · Maybe Y2K never had the potential to be a doomsday scenario, but at the same time, nobody wants the computer that manages their power grid to suddenly bug out because of a foreseeable issue. (As to why they stored only two digits: Limits in computers at the time, storing 2 digits as opposed to 4 for dates actually opened up a not-insignificant ...
ELI5: What actually happened with the Y2K bug and exactly how
2017年2月11日 · The people who were actually affected by the Y2K bug (and presumably the Unix problem approaching) were all sorts of corporations who used cut-rate IT because they weren't required to do any better. They had to run through all of their accounting/analytics to make sure their dates were correct.