Year 2000 problem - Wikipedia
The term year 2000 problem, also commonly known as the year 2000 bug, Y2K problem, Y2K scare, millennium bug, Y2K bug, Y2K glitch, or Y2K error or simply Y2K, refers to potential computer errors related to the formatting and storage of …
千年虫,又叫做“计算机2000年问题”“电脑千禧年千年虫问题”或“千年危机”。 缩写为“ Y2K ”。 是指在某些使用了计算机 程序 的 智能系统 (包括 计算机系统 、自动控制芯片等)中,由于其中的年份只使用两位 十进制数 来表示,因此当系统进行(或涉及到)跨世纪的日期处理运算时(如多个日期之间的计算或比较等),就会出现错误的结果,进而引发各种各样的系统 功能紊乱 甚至崩溃。 因此从根本上说千年虫是一种程序处理日期上的 bug (计算机程序故障),而非 病毒。 [1]
2000年问题 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2000年问题(英語: Year 2000 Problem ,簡稱:Y2K [1] ),中國大陸及香港常称千年虫问题 [2] [3] ,台湾則称千禧虫危機 [4] ,是一个计算机程序在日期表达上的设计缺陷,该缺陷会导致计算机错误识别2000年及之后的年份,从而导致其日期识别紊乱,使得计算机执行 ...
Y2K bug | Definition, Hysteria, & Facts | Britannica
6 天之前 · Y2K bug, a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000 (in metric measurements, k stands for 1,000). After more than a year of international alarm, feverish preparations, and programming corrections, few major failures ...
What Was the Y2K Bug, and Why Did It Terrify the World? - How-To Geek
2020年5月16日 · It became known as the "millennium," "Year 2000," and "Y2K" bug. There were other, secondary, concerns. The year 2000 was a leap year, and many computers---even leap-year savvy systems---didn't take this into account.
The year a computer bug threatened to bring down modern civilization - CNN
2020年12月16日 · A computer glitch in the rollover from 1999 to 2000 threatened to bring down civilization as we knew it. Experts sounded the alarm, and politicians listened.
Y2K Explained: The Technological Crisis That Never Was
2023年8月10日 · It was the Year 2000 Bug, or Y2K for short, a mysterious and enigmatic glitch threatening to plunge humanity into chaos and potentially the dark ages as the clock struck midnight on January 1...
Y2K - Smithsonian Institution
2019年9月11日 · The term Year 2000 bug, also known as the millennium bug and abbreviated as Y2K, referred to potential computer problems which might have resulted when dates used in computer systems moved from the ye...
The Truth About Y2K: What Did and Didn't Happen in the Year 2000
2024年5月31日 · Y2K refers to a computer glitch identified in some software systems that could have disrupted the transition from the year 1999 to 2000.
Y2K bug - National Geographic Society
The Y2K bug was a computer flaw, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates beyond December 31, 1999. The . flaw, faced by computer programmers and users all over the world on January 1, 2000, is also known as the "millennium bug." (The letter K, which stands for kilo (a unit of 1000), is commonly used to represent the number ...