Year 2000 problem - Wikipedia
The term year 2000 problem, also commonly known as the year 2000 bug, Y2K problem, Y2K scare, millennium bug, Y2K bug, Y2K glitch, or Y2K error or simply Y2K, refers to potential …
Y2K - National Museum of American History
2019年9月11日 · To save memory space, programs stored as few digits as possible for dates. In COBOL, for instance, January 1, 1999, was stored as 010199. As Year 2000, or Y2K for short, …
Y2K - Smithsonian Institution
The term Year 2000 bug, also known as the millennium bug and abbreviated as Y2K, referred to potential computer problems which might have resulted when dates used in computer systems …
What Is Y2K — And Why Were People So Afraid Of It? - All That's ...
2024年12月31日 · The millennium bug, or the Year 2000 bug, is commonly abbreviated as Y2K. It was, at its most basic level, a concern about potential issues with computers as the dates in …
7 Problems Y2K Actually Caused - Mental Floss
2019年12月27日 · We know now that humanity came out of Y2K relatively unscathed, after spending an estimated $300 billion to $600 billion to fix potential problems in the years before …
Y2K bug | Definition, Hysteria, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月18日 · Y2K bug, a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the …
Y2K - This Month in Business History - Library of Congress
2020年12月15日 · This book takes a look at some of the root causes of the Y2K problem, its potential effects, and many of the difficulties that might be encountered in documenting …
20 Years Later, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke—Because Those ... - TIME
2019年12月30日 · The term Y2K had become shorthand for a problem stemming from the clash of the upcoming Year 2000 and the two-digit year format utilized by early coders to minimize …
Y2K: Looking back on the bug that wasn't | NPR Illinois
2024年12月27日 · SUMMERS: We're talking about the Y2K bug, the computer problem that, depending on who you asked 25 years ago, was going to either be easy to fix or the end of …
Y2K a Mere Memory Now - ABC News
2000年12月26日 · Japanese nuclear power plants experienced glitches — among them, a failed clock on a reactor monitoring system — butno radiation leaks or safety problems.