SpaceHey — a space for friends.
SpaceHey is a small, independent social network, funded by your donations. All the things you missed most about Social Networks are back: Bulletins, Blogs, Forums, and so much more! No algorithms, no tracking, no personalized Ads - just a safe space for …
MySpace clone SpaceHey is reviving the Y2K social - Dazed
2021年11月15日 · SpaceHey allows you to add custom HTML and CSS Code to your Profile to give you all the freedom you need to make your Profile truly your Space on the web. It has no algorithms, no tracking, and no personalised Ads – you decide what you want to share and what content you’d like to view.”
Original resources for MySpace graphics - ~Kadavera~'s Blog
2023年4月12日 · ~*Original sites and resources for authentic 2000s MySpace graphics*~ Beware, most sites are insecure, but I've still used them without any problems.
Layouts tagged "Y2k" - SpaceHey
found a neat site that had a bunch of old myspace layouts and decided to post them here! i'm sure you can tweak them to how you see fit text or anything wise lol » View Details
MySpace Clone SpaceHey Resurrects Y2K Social Media
2021年11月13日 · MySpace is still up and running, but the platform has a markedly different feel than it did circa 2005, the peak of its reign as everyone's favorite social networking platform. SpaceHey...
myspace aesthetic on Tumblr
See a recent post on Tumblr from @okaydays22 about myspace aesthetic. Discover more posts about myspace aesthetic.
2000s Myspace on Tumblr
This is me in 2005, I took this for my myspace lol (also note the y2k Spongebob and Patrick stuffed animals lol)
List of Y2K Styled websites - General Forum | SpaceHey
Myspace: You're already on it. Club Penguin: https://newcp.net. Homestar Runner: https://homestarrunner.com. Neopets: https://www.neopets.com. Hope you enjoyed this list!!
"Y2K" Layout - SpaceHey
Tags: y2k;aesthetic;boss;pink;baddie. Description: Y2K a aesthetic layout with individual photos all in one mostly pink but with a little baddie boss moment Preview:
"trashy y2k/mcbling layout" Layout - SpaceHey
SpaceHey is a retro social network focused on privacy and customizability. It's a friendly place to have fun, meet friends, and be creative. Join for free!