千年虫,又叫做“计算机2000年问题”“电脑千禧年千年虫问题”或“千年危机”。 缩写为“ Y2K ”。 是指在某些使用了计算机 程序 的 智能系统 (包括 计算机系统 、自动控制芯片等)中,由于其中的年份只使用两位 十进制数 来表示,因此当系统进行(或涉及到)跨世纪的日期处理运算时(如多个日期之间的计算或比较等),就会出现错误的结果,进而引发各种各样的系统 功能紊乱 甚至崩溃。 因此从根本上说千年虫是一种程序处理日期上的 bug (计算机程序故障),而非 病毒。 [1]
2000年问题 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月12日 · 2000年问题 (英语: Year 2000 Problem,简称: Y2K[1]), 中国大陆 及 香港 常称 千年虫问题[2][3], 台湾 则称 千禧虫危机[4],是一个 计算机程序 在日期表达上的设计缺陷,该缺陷会导致 计算机 错误识别 2000年 及之后的年份,从而导致其日期识别紊乱,使得 计算机 执行任何与时间相关的任务时都会出错,进而影响整个系统的运行。 该问题主要涉及到许多老旧的计算机,为了节省存储空间,它们的程序普遍采用6位数字来存储时间,只取4位年份数字中的 …
FRB: Testimony, Kelley -- The Federal Reserve's efforts to address …
The Y2K problem is primarily an issue affecting the aggregate "supply" side of the economy, whereas the Federal Reserve's monetary policy works mainly on aggregate "demand."
The worldwide scare over the ‘Y2K bug’ resulted in the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars on Y2K compliance and conversion policies. Most of this expenditure can be
Y2K - National Museum of American History
2019年9月11日 · The term Year 2000 bug, also known as the millennium bug and abbreviated as Y2K, referred to potential computer problems which might have resulted when dates used in computer systems moved from the year 1999 to the year 2000.
FRB: Press Release -- Press conference on Y2K progress of …
"Federal examiners have conducted Y2K examinations in each insured financial institution at least twice, and in some cases, three, four or more times. The largest banks have received continuous Y2K oversight.'' The results, Mr. Hawke said, show how effective the efforts of regulators and financial institutions have been.
1999年12月31日 · What is the scope of Y2K prob-lems? The Y2K problem affects two general classes of equipment. The first class comprises business systems or mainframe systems. These comput-ers perform a variety of data-intensive calculations—balancing accounts, making payments, tracking inventory, ordering goods, managing personnel, scheduling resources, etc.
Y2K Apocalypse - Torch
With a vague idea that dates could be messed up in major computer systems, people began theorizing the effects of the Y2K problem. Banking transactions could be halted, transportation systems such as trains or airplanes could be interrupted, or …
Y2K - Smithsonian Institution
The term Year 2000 bug, also known as the millennium bug and abbreviated as Y2K, referred to potential computer problems which might have resulted when dates used in computer systems moved from the ye...
Y2K: An American Crisis - Process: A Blog for American History
2019年7月8日 · Y2K proved to be a training ground for how Americans would face threats from terrorism, economic crisis, and climate change in the 2000s. The origin of the bug lay in the decision of computer programmers to code years in a 2-digit format rather than in a 4-year format during the 1950s.
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