Y2K aesthetic - Wikipedia
Y2K is an Internet aesthetic based around products, styles, and fashion of the late 1990s and early 2000s. The name Y2K is derived from an abbreviation coined by programmer David Eddy for the year 2000 and its potential computer errors .
Mac 视觉史(三):浴「水」重生的 Mac 视觉美学 - 少数派
2020年6月10日 · 无论是风头无两的 Windows 95 ,还是依然正在服役的 Mac OS 7、Mac OS 8,又或者是 IBM 家的 OS/2 操作系统,来自开源世界的 X Window 和 Motif ,都是一股子同样的粘腻沉重的味道。
2023年1月24日 · 根据信息周刊(Information Week)报道,单单解决公元2000年问题而修复软件所需的费用就高达6千亿美元。这笔钱足够以每台1299美元的价格购买461,893,764台 iMac(以这种订单量价格应该还可以再打折扣)。
千禧年美学复兴,“Y2K”是什么? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
比如有着半透明撞色设计的数字键盘,搭配流畅线条的诺基亚2300;以及一台半透明、色彩缤纷的苹果iMac G3,它们奠定了“Y2K”风格在产品设计领域应用的基础。
1999: Faster iMacs, Smurf and G4 Power Macs, Lombard, and ... - Low End Mac
In fiscal 1999 (October 1998 through September 1999), iMac sales made up 52% of Apple’s unit sales. Y2K – No Problem! Apple had a great opportunity to extend its reach thank to the “millennium bug” (a.k.a. the Y2K problem). In the early days of computing, using memory efficiently was essential, so dates were often stored using only the ...
20年后再次席卷全球的Y2K,到底是什么? - 搜狐
2024年3月6日 · 2021年苹果公司发售的糖果色iMac电脑,Y2K风格代表色再次席卷科技界。 当怀旧成为一种力量 在谈及Y2K回潮现象时,先要区分与Y2K常混为一谈的两个概念。
Y2K: Mac Owners Beware - Low End Mac
You’ll have decades to replace that Mac Plus, almost a century until PCs need a Y2100 compliant BIOS, and 8,000 years until the Y10K problem strikes. By then programmers may have stopped taking shortsighted shortcuts.
The Looming Y2K20 Bug, and How to Protect Your System. - Low End Mac
2019年12月16日 · Y2K (Year 2000) was the most hyped computer bug of the last part of the 20th Century. Basically the bug caused computers to think it was the year 1900 instead of 2000 when the clock ticked from 12/31/99 23:59:59 to 1/1/00 00:00:00.
iMac G3 Ensemble Wallpaper Thread! (1998-2001) Design by Me …
iMac G3 Ensemble Wallpaper Thread! (1998-2001) Design by Me Company Each of the original wallpapers corresponded to its iMac G3 color. Wallpaper names: Blueberry Oxygen Blueberry Union Tangerine…
Mac2K: The Years’ 2038 and 2040 Problems - MacRumors Forums
2023年1月31日 · For folks who use PowerPC and even Intel Macs (prior to, say, macOS 10.15 Catalina), it’s never too soon or too late to start planning for the impending, dual Y2K-like hard limits of the...
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