Our shelter has 22 beds, which make up about 1/2 of the youth-specific shelter beds in the Greater Boston Area. Y2Y Harvard Square provides opportunities for both guests and student …
Y2Y Harvard Square - PBHA
2022年11月27日 · Y2Y Harvard Square, a student-run overnight shelter, employs a youth-to-youth model to provide a safe and affirming environment for young adults experiencing …
Y2Y Network | End Youth Homelessness
2021年11月3日 · Y2Y Network is a student-run nonprofit that serves as a safe and accepting place for youth experiencing homelessness, particularly LGBTQ youth. In addition to providing …
Students shelter homeless youth at Y2Y — Harvard Gazette
2017年2月15日 · Y2Y Harvard Square is believed to be the nation’s first student-run homeless shelter exclusively for young adults. It is located at 1 Church St., in the heart of the Square, …
List of Young Adult Emergency Housing Options & Supports (ages …
You can also call Y2Y between 7pm-8:30am at 617-864-0795 and ask to be added to the waitlist. You will be notified by email or text when a bed is available for you. If you need help with …
Y2Y Harvard Square - TiD Society
2015年12月1日 · The Y2Y shelter has 27 beds, which make up over 2/3 of the youth-specific shelter beds in the Greater Boston Area. Y2Y Harvard Square provides opportunities for both …
Y2Y Harvard Square Long-Term Bed Lottery Entry
Y2Y Harvard Square is a shelter for young adults (18-24) experiencing homelessness. Y2Y will assign all initial bed stays via a random lottery which will take place on the morning of October …
Y2Y Harvard Square - Find It Cambridge
Stays at Y2Y are either 1-night or 30-night (6 weeks in the summer), and beds are given away via phone lottery. Last updated February 3, 2023. Is this page inaccurate or outdated? Please let …
Yale students launch peer-to-peer center to combat youth homelessness ...
2021年4月28日 · A new overnight program for homeless youth called Y2Y New Haven (short for “Youth to Youth”), which is modeled on the nation’s first youth-run homeless shelter in …
Y2Y New Haven - Dwight Hall at Yale
2022年1月31日 · Y2Y New Haven is a joint initiative of students across New Haven, Youth Continuum, and Y2Y Network to open a student-run overnight program for young adults (ages …