Y6, BTP-4F | Acceptor Molecule for NFA OPVs - Ossila
Y6 (CAS number 2304444-49-1) is a popular non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) molecule. The discovery of ITIC and the subsequent boom in the use of NFAs in organic photovoltaic solar cells (OPVs) has led to rapid improvements in device power conversion efficiencies (PCEs).
Single-Junction Organic Solar Cell with over 15% ... - ScienceDirect
2019年4月17日 · The optimized blend PM6:Y6 film (Figure 3 C) displays a strong diffraction peak in the OOP direction at q = 1.74 Å −1 (d ∼ 3.61 Å), associated with the π-π stacking of Y6.
Molecular orientation-dependent energetic shifts in solution …
2023年4月4日 · Herein, we show that changing the orientation of Y6, a prototypical NFA, from face-on to more edge-on by using different processing solvents causes a significant energetic shift of up to 210 meV....
Single-Junction Organic Solar Cell with over 15% ... - Cell Press
2019年4月17日 · A new class of non-fullerene acceptor, Y6, by employing a ladder-type electron-deficient-core-based central fused ring with a benzothiadiazole core is reported. Organic photovoltaics made from Y6 in conventional and inverted architectures each exhibited a high efficiency of 15.7%, measured in two separate labs.
Realization of high performance for PM6:Y6 based organic photovoltaic ...
2021年10月1日 · In this review, we first concentrate on the structural characteristics of PM6 and Y6 with the focus on understanding why their combination for OPV application can obtain such high efficiency. We also update the recent progress in highly efficient PM6:Y6-based OPV cells via various optimizing strategies.
有机太阳能电池(OPV)目前发展到什么阶段? - 知乎
UCLA杨阳最新ACS Nano: 有机光伏明星分子Y6的前世今生
2021年12月5日 · 2021年, UCLA杨阳教授 在AM上发表题为“Near-infrared Materials: The Turning Point of Organic Photovoltaics”综述性文章,明确指出对于Y系列分子(Y1、Y2、Y3和Y6)具有原初设计权。 AM原文截图. 2021年12月1日,中南大学邹应萍在公众号上作出回应,对于Y6拥有独立设计权。 来源:邹应萍课题组公众号. 2021年12月2日, 杨阳教授 在《ACS Nano》上面发表了这篇文章, 详细说明了Y6分子设计的始末。 自2019年以来,由于新发明的Y系列非富勒烯受体 …
综述:受体-给体-受体(A-DA'D-A)型受体实现的高性能OPV研 …
TPD-3F:与PM6,Y6共构更高性能三元有机太阳能电池 - 知乎
2020年12月27日 · 近日,台湾明志科技大学的Chih-Ping Chen研究团队创新地制备了双给体(PM6,TPD-3F)/单受体(Y6)三元体系OPV器件,其优化的混合形态提高了OPV性能。 一方面,由于TPD-3F的HOMO能级比PM6低,相应的三元器件的 开路电压 (VOC)值会增加;另一方面,PM6与TPD-3F混溶性良好,再加上通过使用1-氯萘作为添加剂,进一步为优化的三元 共混物 提供了有效的激子离解和 载流子 传输,从而得到了更大的PCE。 与预优化的PM6:Y6二元体 …
16.7%-efficiency ternary blended organic photovoltaic cells with …
By adding a small amount of PCBM into the PM6:Y6 system, we achieved a high efficiency of 16.7%, which is the best value reported for an OPV device to date. Importantly, this ternary material approach has wide-ranging applicability, as we demonstrated the same beneficial effects in multiple systems, including PM6:IT-4F, PM7:IT-4F, PM6:Y6, and ...