途乐与陆巡的差距在哪? - 知乎专栏
当前比较普遍的说法是降价后的途乐Y62是一台性价比极高的越野车,与陆巡LC200同档次而价格只有普拉多的水平,非常值得购买。 那么,Y62真的能与LC200相提并论吗? 在底盘结构上,Y62与LC200后悬架的差异最大,Y62的后独立悬架与LC200硬派的螺旋弹簧硬桥相比,到底差了多少? 上图从上到下,分别是途乐Y61,中东/澳版LC105(LC80底盘+LC100车身),前两者都是前后硬轴的结构,最下面是LC200,前双A独立悬架搭配配后硬桥。
Nissan Patrol Y62 2025 review: Outgoing V8 Toyota LandCruiser …
2024年9月1日 · The 2025 Nissan Patrol Y62 is sadly not long for this automotive world, with its Y63 successor about to burst onto the scene with next-generation styling and technology, including a downsized V6...
2019年3月6日 · 途乐y62的底盘具备了硬派越野该有的设计和配置,同时也拥有良好的公路操控性,y62无论是在硬派越野中,还是在全尺寸suv中,都算是综合全面的选手。
Nissan Patrol Y62 used review: 2013-2019 - CarsGuide
2020年10月21日 · Toyota's LandCruiser 200-Series tends to steal the limelight as a second-hand, seven-seat, off-road SUV buy. But Nissan's V8-engined Y62 Patrol has a lot to offer. Menu
Toyota Land Cruiser 300 Series vs Nissan Patrol Y62
With the imminent release of the 2022 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 Series later this month, there is no better time than now to compare it against one of its oldest rivals, the Nissan Patrol. In this article we will break down everything from engine specs to towing and suspension so you can see which car might fit your lifestyle better.
Toyota Landcruiser 300 Series Vs Nissan V8 Patrol
2021年10月21日 · If you’re a subscriber to the big country, big SUV ethos, few vehicles compare as strongly as the all-new Toyota LandCruiser 300 Series or the tried-and-tested Nissan Patrol Y62. Completely reworked from the ground up, the 2021 Toyota LandCruiser is the catalyst for this comparison test.
Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Series vs Y62 Nissan Patrol 2020 ... - CarsGuide
2020年2月11日 · In a modern market in which big load-lugging monsters such as the Ram 2500 threaten to reign supreme, are the 200 Series and Patrol still worth consideration as work and recreational towing machines? And which of the two is best for towing in terms of comfort, ride and handling and fuel use?
Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Series vs Y62 Nissan Patrol 2020 review: …
2021年3月1日 · For the record, both of these big 4WD wagons have a claimed 3.5-tonne braked towing capacity and both were fitted with electric brake controllers (by their manufacturers) and towing mirrors (by us). Both the Patrol and LandCruiser had …
途乐y61和y62有什么区别 - 易车
2024年5月10日 · 途乐Y61和Y62是日产途乐的两种不同版本,主要区别在于配置、性能以及价格等方面。 以下是它们的一些主要区别: 1. 发动机:Y61配备的是4.0升V6自然吸气发动机,而Y62则配备了5.6升V8自然吸气发动机。 前者最大功率为275马力,后者最大功率为400马力。 2. 变速器:Y61配备的是7速自动变速器,而Y62则是7速自动变速器的改进版,具有更快的换档速度和更好的响应性。 3. 悬挂系统:Y62的悬挂系统经过重新调校,以适应其更大的动力输出。 这使得 …
80万,大V8 丨 进口国内的日产途乐Y62美规版/Nissan Armada
2022年8月13日 · 在 2014-2019年间,日产官方曾正式进口销售过日产途乐六代(Nissan Patrol Y62)进行销售,售价在56-120万元之间,配备有VQ40型4.0升V6或VK56型5.6升V8两款自吸引擎,以及非承载式车身+全时四驱系统+HBMC车身动态液压控制系统,算是偏越野属性的高端SUV。
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