CNC Jigborer YBM 1218V - YASDA
YBM1218V is a micrometer-class high precision machine in the high precision plate machining field. The machine is capable of supporting various machining ranging from 3-dimensional …
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ - 安田工業株式会社
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ YASDAの立形最大モデル 卓越した位置決め精度と高い安定性により、大型金型から精密加工まで幅広い加工領域に対応
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ - 安田工业株式会社
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ YASDA立式加工中心的最大机型 凭借卓越的定位精度和高稳定性,能对应从大型模具到精密加工的广泛加工领域。
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ The largest size model of YASDA’s vertical type With its outstanding positioning accuracy and high stability, it is suitable for a wide range of machining areas, from …
0 Die YASDA YBM 1530 V- vertikales Lehrenbohrwerk — ist die größte Maschine die- ser Baureihe und weltweit erst zweimal im Einsatz — europaweit einzig bei FIBRO in …
Yasda YBM 1218V - Celada
The YASDA YBM1218 vertical gantry machining center with moving crosshead is the perfect answer to the growing demand for high-precision machining of molds and dies; in fact, it is …
YASDA YBM 1218V CNC Jig Borer | Methods Machine Tools
The YASDA CNC Jig Borer YBM 1218V is a highly rigid, bridge-type machining center, developed for high precision, high speed CNC machining of medium to large-sized parts, and high …
YASDA YBM 1218V Jig Borers - MachineTools.com
The YASDA CNC Jig Borer YBM – 1218V is a highly rigid, bridge-type machining center, developed for high precision machining, high speed machining of medium to large-sized parts, …
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ-蔡司三坐标 | 工业CT | 马扎克 | 亚司达 | 江西省 …
YBM 1218V Ver.Ⅱ YASDA立式加工中心的最大机型 凭借卓越的定位精度和高稳定性,能对应从大型模具到精密加工的广泛加工领域。
precision machining. Newly installed advanced software and a high performance measurement system takes high precision machining. column and top beam. By arranging the saddle on the …