上海耀中外籍人员子女学校官网 - YCIS Sh
上海耀中外籍人员子女学校成立于 1993 年,是上海第一所受中国政府 正式认可并注册的独立国际学校。 学校 5 所校舍分布在浦西和浦东,招收 2 岁至 18 岁外籍学生,提供从幼儿阶段至高中阶段 (K2 至 13 年级 ) 的 教育服务。 培养幼儿的基础技能及全人发展。 耀中致力于让 2 至 6 岁的孩子沉浸在一个支持性的双语学习环境中,中外教师与家长携手合作,培育新一代有自信、爱心及好奇心的幼龄学习者。 早期教育强调儿童全人发展、塑造品格与个人及社会价值观,让孩子终身受 …
Yew Chung International School of Shanghai | A World-Class ...
Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS Shanghai) is an International School in Shanghai, for expatriate students aged 2 - 18 years old (K2 to Year 13). The school was established in 1993 as the first independent international school in Shanghai officially recognised by and registered with the Chinese government.
Growing Up | K4 and Y6 Graduation - Yew Chung International School …
Year 6 – Our lives at YCIS. The graduation ceremony for Year 6 students was an equal success. Along with receiving their graduation certificates, students gave speeches about their experiences at YCIS and were inspired by words from Primary …
PS106 讲座:Y6 CFL 大单元教学—改变 - YCYW Webinar
2023年2月24日 · Presentation: Y6 CFL Large Unit Teaching - Changes. Language of presentation: Mandarin (without simultaneous interpretation) Code: PS106. Subject: Chinese Year: Year Six Upper Primary Native. School: YCIS Shanghai (Puxi) 30 minutes. Abstract: Things in the world are changing all the time, and change is the eternal truth of nature.
校园及设施 | 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校官网 - YCIS Sh
上海耀中外籍人员子女学校在黄浦江两岸有多间校舍,为2-18岁的儿童提供世界级的教育体验。 目前校区包括上海耀中古北校区、上海耀中虹桥校区、上海耀中荣华校区、上海耀中御翠园校区、上海耀中世纪公园校区。
K4 and Y6 Graduation - Yew Chung International School of Beijing
Building a Bright Future for Humanity. K4 and Y6 celebrated their graduation!
Yew Chung International School 耀中國際學校 - 升學天地
Yew Chung International School (YCIS) offers learning programmes from pre-school and kindergarten through primary and secondary education. The YCIS educational programme is based on the British National Curriculum, and comprises both a formal and informal curriculum.
國際學校︱一文睇清14大熱門國際學校課程學費 英美加IB學制升學 …
2023/24學年學費:Y1-5:$158,300;Y6:$175,300;Y7-8:$177,900;Y9-10:$179,400;Y11-12:$222,210. 熱門國際學校︱耀中國際學校(YCIS)Yew Chung International School. 耀中國際學校在本港及內地有多間分校,因此學校除了英文外,亦相當重視中 …
2025-2026 YCYW Scholarship Programme Now Open for …
2024年12月13日 · We have now officially launched the YCYW Scholarship Programme for the 2025-2026 academic year! YCYW annually awards scholarships to current and prospective students in recognition of their outstanding performance in academic achievements, leadership, and service to society.
上海耀中外籍人员子女学校 - 百度百科
上海耀中外籍人员子女学校(Yew Chung International School of Shanghai ),是一所国际学校,地址在 上海市,不招收中国籍学生。 2020年5月28日,上海耀中外籍人员子女学校入选《2020胡润百学·中国国际学校百强》。 [1] 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校(Yew Chung International School of Shanghai ),是一所国际学校,地址在上海市,不招收中国籍学生。