YCbCr vs RGB? What's the difference? - AVS Forum
2007年1月4日 · YCbCr is the digital counterpart to analog YPbPr component video. (YCbCr converted to analog is YPbPr). Digital RGB converted to analog is usually referred to as VGA. SD and HD DVDs are encoded in 8bit YCbCr 4:2:0. After/during decoding it's upsampled to …
PC to HDR TV: RGB Full 8 bpc vs YCbCr422 10 bpc? - AVS Forum
2017年1月17日 · It's correct YCbCr 444 8bit is the best looking for most SDR video/film sources. Those sources are normally always 8bit color depth Indeed very good color gradients!. Less posterization / color banding on low bitrate video sources. YCbCr 444 10 bit is not possible through Nvidia / AMD because of HDMI 2.0a/2.0b bandwith limitations.
YCbCr 444 vs 420? HDMI mode 1 or 2, which is optimal?
2016年12月1日 · Here is the interesting part. In "Mode 2" in 60hz @ 3840x2160 RGB & YCbCr 422/444 (and obviously still 420) are available as well as "full" and "limited" dynamic range setting. Full range looks better... These settings do seem to be working as I can tell the difference in both the mouse movement 30 vs 60) and quality of small text (YCbCr 420 vs ...
2008年7月28日 · HDMI YCbCr Video levels and correct for majority of displays. RGB (PC levels) can cause richer colours (higher contrast) but probably also lead to black crush,where you lose shadow detail.
RGB vs YCbCr444. | NVIDIA GeForce Forums
2025年2月15日 · The most common are RGB for computer devices and YCbCr for consumer electronics devices. Use this page to choose the color format appropriate for your device." Not knowing better, and wondering if that "consumer electronics devices" might include HD plasma television sets, I set it to YCbCr444 and noticed quite a bit of improvement in color ...
RGB vs. YCbCr - Does it make a difference? - AVS Forum
2016年11月10日 · It normally makes no difference to the calibration settings, though there can be a slight difference in chroma resolution depending on the individual system. To check for this, I use the chroma zone plate on DVE and observe if one setting or the other (RGB video, YCbCr 4.4.4 YCbCr 4.2.2) makes the pattern fade at the sides.
Component YPbPr Vs. YCbCr? - AVS Forum
2004年12月27日 · YCbCr and YPbPr have nothing to do with the resolution or p/i being sent. It should all be labeled YPbPr, read the linked thread. You are correct that much equipment, including your TV, is mislabeled due to the mess of confusion about this fairly picky label distinction between digital and analog.
YCbCr 4:2:2, YCbCr 4:4:4 and RGB explained - AVS Forum
2006年12月23日 · DVI devices generally stick to 8-bit RGB only. Some have additional YCbCr capabilities but this is basically device-specific. HDMI generally supports RGB and YCbCr options, but may vary depending on device. Quote:
PC to HDR TV: RGB Full 8 bpc vs YCbCr422 10 bpc? | Page 5 - AVS …
2013年1月5日 · Colour sampling is a YCbCr thing and the concept is not applicable to RGB - there is only YCbCr 4:4:4. You can also do 4K60 YCbCr422 10-bit over HDMI 2.0b if the source does not support dithering (like Blu-ray players and consoles), but on PC it’s inferior because of colour subsampling and the PC can do dithering anyway.
2023 LG OLED G3 - C3 Owners & Buyers Thread - AVS Forum
2003年11月12日 · I must be missing something here, I don't see YCbCr 4:2:2. If the Panasonic is set to YCbCr (Automatic), Auto (12-bit priority) and playing a blu-ray, the 820 says it is outputting YCbCr 4:4:4/12bit and the G3 says it is receiving [email protected] YCBCR444 12BIT ITU709 If I play a HDR disc, the 820 says it is outputting YCbCr 4:4:4/12bit