VF-22 Sturmvogel II | Macross Wiki | Fandom
The VF-22 Sturmvogel II is variable fighter featured in Macross 7 and subsequent Macross spinoffs, including Macross VF-X2, Macross The Ride and Macross Δ. It was preceded by the YF-21 prototype during Project Super Nova.
YF-21/VF-22雨燕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式戰鬥機(シュトゥルムフォーゲルⅡ)(SturmvögelⅡ)是超時空要塞系列作品Macross Plus中,於21世紀40年代初期與YF-19競標,作為取代VF-11雷霆式戰鬥機的先進可變形戰鬥機原型機,在超新星計畫競標敗於YF-19(詳見YF-19)。
YF-21/VF-22雨燕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式战斗机(シュトゥルムフォーゲルⅡ)(SturmvögelⅡ)是超时空要塞系列作品Macross Plus中,于21世纪40年代初期与YF-19竞标,作为取代VF-11雷霆式战斗机的先进可变形战斗机原型机,在超新星计画竞标败于YF-19(详见YF-19)。
vf-22 - 百度百科
YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式战斗机(シュトゥルムフォーゲルⅡ)(SturmvögelⅡ)是超时空要塞系列作品Macross Plus中,于21世纪40年代初期与YF-19竞标,作为取代VF-11雷霆式战斗机的先进可变形战斗机原型机,在超新星计划竞标败于YF-19(详见YF-19)。
YF-21/VF-22雨燕 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式戰鬥機(シュトゥルムフォーゲルⅡ)(SturmvögelⅡ)是超時空要塞系列作品Macross Plus中,於21世紀40年代初期與YF-19競標,作為取代VF-11雷霆式戰鬥機的先進可變形戰鬥機原型機,在超新星計劃競標敗於YF-19(詳見YF-19)。
General Galaxy VF-22S Sturmvogel II - Macross2.net
The VF-22 Sturmvogel II retained many of the advanced technologies in the YF-21 prototype fighter. The brainwave control system BDI (Brain Direct Image), the main improvement from the YF-21, was significantly simplified and worked in conjunction with a primary manual operating system within a corresponding cockpit.
General Galaxy VF-22 Sturmvogel II - MRCDocs
Highly valued for its combination of high speed, agility, fold booster mounting capability and stealth, the VF-22S Sturmvögel has quickly become a popular craft within the UN Spacy Special Forces.
vf-22:YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式戰鬥機(シュトゥルムフォーゲル -百 …
YF-21/VF-22雨燕二式戰鬥機(シュトゥルムフォーゲルⅡ)(SturmvögelⅡ)是逾時空要塞系列作品Macross Plus中,於21世紀40年代初期與YF-19競標,作為取代VF-11雷霆式戰鬥機的先進可變形戰鬥機原型機,在超新星計畫競標敗於YF-19(詳見YF-19)。
Bandai HG 1/100 YF-21 & VF-22 - Model kits - Macross World …
2023年5月10日 · I don't need another 1/100 YF-21 since I have the perfect variable Studio Half Eye one... However, I may still get this one to customize as a VF-22 or to have a more poseable YF-21
VF-22 Sturmvogel II - Macross Compendium - anime.net
2015年7月15日 · VF-22 developed from General Galaxy YF-21 design after UN Forces' decision not to adopt the earlier design as the main variable fighter in the Super Nova (AVF) competition but its active stealth capabilities and payload abilities were evaluated and was adopted in small numbers as the special operations forces machine. Brainwave control system ...