Yttrium(III) fluoride - Wikipedia
Yttrium (III) fluoride is an inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula Y F 3. It is not known naturally in 'pure' form. The fluoride minerals containing essential yttrium include tveitite- (Y) (Y,Na) 6 Ca 6 Ca 6 F 42 and gagarinite- (Y) NaCaY (F,Cl) 6. Sometimes mineral fluorite contains admixtures of yttrium. [1][2]
氟化釔 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
氟化釔 也稱為 三氟化釔,是一種 無機化合物,化學式為 Y F 3。 不確定自然界是否存在純的氟化釔。 含釔的 氟化物 礦石包括 氟釔鈣礦 (tveitite- (Y), (Y,Na) 6 Ca 6 Ca 6 F 42)及 氟鈣鈉釔石 (gagarinite- (Y),NaCaY (F,Cl) 6)。 有時 萤石 中也會含有氟化釔 [1][2]。 可以將 氟化氫 和 氧化钇 或 氫氧化釔 反應製得氟化釔 [3]: 氟化釔可以用來製備釔 單質 、薄膜、玻璃及陶瓷。 需避免將氟化釔放在有 酸 、活性金屬或是 濕氣 的環境下。 ^ Dinér, Peter. Yttrium from Ytterby. …
mp-2416: YF3 (orthorhombic, Pnma, 62) - Materials Project
YF3 is Cementite structured and crystallizes in the orthorhombic Pnma space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Y3+ is bonded in a 9-coordinate geometry to eight F1- atoms. There are a spread of Y–F bond distances ranging from …
Yttrium fluoride | F3Y | CID 83679 - PubChem
Oct 14, 2021 · Yttrium fluoride (YF3): Does not have an individual approval but may be used under an appropriate group standard. Fibrogenic - Inducing tissue injury and fibrosis (scarring). Link to all deposited patent identifiers. The data from CAS Common Chemistry is provided under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, unless otherwise stated.
The optical properties of YF3 films - ScienceDirect
Dec 15, 1987 · An optical monitor was implemented for thickness control using thin glass discs precoated with quarter-wave ZnS films. The pressure, measured half-way between the base plate and the substrates, was typically 3 x 10-4 Pa during evaporations. The YF3 powder (melting point, 1148 ') was evaporated from an electron gun crucible.
The optical properties of YF3 films - ResearchGate
Dec 1, 1987 · investigated the influence of residual gas pressures on the refractive indices of YF. films over the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. As part of a continuing materials research...
YF3薄膜的光学性能,Thin Solid Films - X-MOL
摘要 研究了氟化钇薄膜的光学、结构和化学性质。 对于蒸发到热基板 (280 °C) 上的薄膜,在 λ = 0.6 μm、4 μm 和 10 μm 处发现的折射率值分别为 1.53、1.48 和 1.3。 在室温下蒸发到基材上的薄膜在水振动频率(即 2.98 μm 和 6.5-7.5 μm)处显示出略低的折射率和强吸收带。 该材料在低于 180 °C 的温度下以非晶形式凝聚在基材上,而在高于 200 °C 的温度下,所有薄膜都显示出晶体结构。 与以 1.5 nm s-1 的速率蒸发的膜相比,0.7 nm s-1 的沉积速率产生了机械强度更高的膜 …
Effect of YF3 on densification behavior and thermal conductivity …
Oct 15, 2023 · Appropriate addition of YF 3 could improve the thermal conductivity of AlN ceramics, but the values of thermal conductivity decreased as YF3 increased further. It is attributed to the ability of YF 3 to react with oxygen impurity was worse than that of Y 2 O 3.
mp-1191736: YF3 (trigonal, P-3c1, 165) - Materials Project
YF3 crystallizes in the trigonal P-3c1 space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Y3+ is bonded in a 9-coordinate geometry to nine F1- atoms. There are a spread of Y–F bond distances ranging from 2.29–2.50 Å. There are three inequivalent F1- sites.
氟化钇 - 百度百科
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