Close friend and frequent guest/collaborator of YMS, Scott
He was usually the other half of the YMS plays as well with alot of the games Adam play almost always featured Scott joining in as an observer. He bounced off Adam's usual cynicism with …
Hearing the news that Adam has a boyfriend : r/YMS - Reddit
2022年2月15日 · In essense, Adum has tried many things and is able to not overdo it, from what I can understand. I get the sense that he has the same relationship with drugs that I have with …
New YMS fans when they find out Adum is a furry : r/YMS - Reddit
2020年10月11日 · 450 votes, 25 comments. 48K subscribers in the YMS community. The official subreddit for YourMovieSucks.org
To Scoot, To Adum, To Fans : r/YMS - Reddit
2024年6月22日 · Obviously I've never met Adum or Gaël or Scott. Especially during this time I want to say thank you to the remaining pals of Adam and Pals. Your entertainment value …
We're proud of you, Adum <3 : r/YMS - Reddit
2022年11月19日 · 1K votes, 69 comments. 49K subscribers in the YMS community. The official subreddit for YourMovieSucks.org
r/YMS on Reddit: Since we’re all sharing our favorite Scoot …
Why I love Adum and Pals so much is that it's basically another version of those nights, the same sort of films, the same sort of jokes, a familiar dynamic, etc. Even though I don't have that …
So is Adum just not making YMS videos anymore? : r/YMS - Reddit
2023年4月25日 · Adum has a lot of expertise with movies but not enough for me to be interested in hearing the thoughts of the top of his head without actual scripting or premeditated jokes. …
I made a spreadsheet of all of Adum's IMDB ratings : r/YMS - Reddit
2022年3月10日 · The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern …
scott : r/YMS - Reddit
2024年6月19日 · Just here to reiterate what we’re all thinking and going though. Scott was an amazing person, and it’s a horrible tragedy that he’s gone. I didn’t expect how strong my grief …
First post on this sub - RIP Scoot : r/YMS - Reddit
2024年6月17日 · I’ve been watching Adum and pals and adum’s playthroughs since 2018 now. They were always such a big source of joy for me as I’m sure they were for you. Scoot’s voice …