I made a spreadsheet of all of Adum's IMDB ratings : r/YMS - Reddit
2022年3月10日 · Some of the entries have missing info like runtime or director (and one specific title that doesn't have a publicly available rating), but otherwise, it's all there. There's also no data point for if an entry is a TV show, a feature film or some other thing because there wasn't an easy way to get that data straight from the IMDB ratings page.
YMS IMDB Ratings Distribution Chart : r/YMS - Reddit
2019年3月28日 · I done some basic ratings extraction from imdb and pulled YMS's ratings and plotted them out quickly. Here are two more: number of ratings per year average rating per year if anyone has any ideas for data they want to see or any other users let me know
Is there a way to find out if YMS rated a specific movie on imdb, or …
2022年10月15日 · Is there a way to find out if YMS rated a specific movie on imdb, or do you just look through them to see if it shows up?
YMS stats on IMDb are kinda interesting : r/YMS - Reddit
2016年1月4日 · YMS stats on IMDb are kinda interesting Just some random stats I noticed looking at the YMS IMDb profile: The first movie YMS rated that wasn't 1/10 or 10/10 was the sixteenth he rated, The Simpsons Movie, which he rated 7/10. Also, after 1221 ratings on IMDb, 9% of his ratings are either 1/10 or 10/10. Most common rating is 6/10, with 28%. Joined IMDb in January 2006, meaning this month marks ...
A List of Movies that Adam rates 10/10 : r/YMS - Reddit
2014年8月11日 · He said somewhere that he mostly rates things on imdb to keep track of movies he's seen. The 10/10s were likely to change average imdb rating as opposed to actually thinking they were 10/10.
I feel like Adam was a little unfair on Letterboxd : r/YMS - Reddit
2023年9月30日 · I was watching Adam's video titled YMS Reacts to Weird 28 Weeks Later Reviews on IMDb and whilst claiming that "a bunch" of people liked 28 Weeks Later more than Days, he decided to look at Letterboxd reviews and came to the conclusion that most reviews were "insincere" and that IMDB was much better because of this.
Every movie YMS has given a 10/10 : r/YMS - Reddit
2019年9月5日 · Every movie YMS has given a 10/10 Pulled from his IMDb. Not including meme 10s.
All of Adam’s Foreign Animated Movie Ratings (From IMDB at …
2020年2月25日 · When Adam was announcing Wizards as the next recommendation a few weeks ago, I thought he said “an animated movie from 1997” and I got really hyped and thought for sure he was about to say Perfect Blue, I’ve never been more disappointed lol A Silent Voice is an incredible movie, one of my personal favourites! I could totally see aspects of it he would critique though, I’d like to hear ...
Has YMS ever updated his favorite movies? : r/YMS - Reddit
2022年2月6日 · He has a list on IMDb, but it’s from 2014 (I believe). Does he have any updated list of anything?
Anyone else vastly prefer using RYM to IMDb? : r/YMS - Reddit
2023年7月27日 · The acronym in its title literally stands for RateYourMusic so obviously movies aren't its key focus, but it still does the same thing for movies too. In general there are loads less atrocious takes and generally for a group of people like YMS' fanbase I can imagine people here liking it a lot more. The fact that The Shawshank Redemption is first on IMDb with a 9.3/10 score from 2.8 million ...