About us - Ipieca
Ipieca is driving industry action on the energy transition and sustainable development agenda. We bring together the expertise of members and stakeholders to develop good practice and solutions to some of the biggest sustainability challenges facing the planet, providing global leadership on integrating sustainability, advancing climate action, environmental responsibility and …
YPF S.A. - AG Sustentable
Además, utiliza como referencia la Guía de la Asociación Global de la Industria del Petróleo y el Gas para asuntos ambientales y sociales (IPIECA). También representa la Comunicación de Progreso al Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas en relación con sus 10 principios y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a los que YPF adhiere.
includes the activities developed by YPF Foundation. This report has been prepared according to the Essential Option of Standards GRI and includes the Oil and Gas Supplement. It references the Global Association of the Oil and Gas Industry for Environmental and Social Issues Guidelines (IPIECA) as well
IAS 29, and the result from the revaluation of YPF S.A.’s investment in YPF Energía Eléctrica (YPF EE) for AR$ 11,980 million in Q1 2018. 2 CAPEX - capital expenditure- ... (IPIECA) has also been used as a baseline for its topics. The report also serves as …
Ipieca | Advancing environmental and social performance across …
2012年3月4日 · Ipieca brings together members and stakeholders to lead in integrating sustainability by advancing climate action, environmental responsibility and social performance across oil, gas and renewables activities. Ipieca was founded at the request of the United Nations Environment Programme in 1974. Through its non-lobby and collaborative approach ...
YPF - Proyectos Offshore | Preguntas Frecuentes
YPF busca explorar en áreas concesionadas por el estado nacional en la Cuenca Argentina Norte (CAN_102, CAN_100 y CAN_114) y la cuenca de Malvinas Oeste (MLO_123). ... IPIECA, ITOPF e IOGP, normas ISO 15544:20002 y al Manual de la IMO sobre Evaluación del riesgo y preparación ante derrames de petróleo (International Maritime Organization ...
国际石油工业环境保护协会 - 百度百科
ipieca是公认的专业机构,具有可清晰阐述各种成果的专业知识。ipieca是向联合国提供咨询的正式机构,能以非政府机构( ngo )的身份参与联合国的所有条约缔结过程,还向其会员定期提供简报,并代表石油界出席主要政府间会议。 ipieca的会员中既有私人和政府所属的企业,也有国家级、 …
YPF S.A. Macacha Güemes 515 C1106BKK Buenos Aires, Argentina . Biodiversity Management at YPF. Global and Domestic Context . Biodiversity has an intrinsic value, independent of the needs of human beings. It underpins most human activities and is the basis for a wide range of environmental goods and services that contribute to social well-being.
YPF SA 2020 Sustainability Report – SustainabilityReports.com
2020年12月31日 · Issuing Company YPF SA . Report Type Sustainability Report. Report Language EN. Report Filesize 7.76 MB. No. of Pages 144 pages. Reporting period January 1-December 31, 2020. Report Edition Unknown. Assurance Provider Deloitte & CO S.A. Reporting Standards GRI; IPIECA; SASB; others. Materiality Assessment true.
IPIECA - Wikipedia
Ipieca is a global not-for-profit oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, headquartered in London.The association was established in 1974 as the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association and changed its name in 2002.. Company members contribute to Ipieca's budget according to an individually agreed percentage based on the volume of ...