People's Defense Units - Wikipedia
The YPG mostly consists of Kurds, but also includes Arabs and foreign volunteers; it is closely allied to the Syriac Military Council, an Assyrian militia. The YPG was formed in 2011. It expanded rapidly in the Syrian Civil War and came to predominate over other armed Syrian Kurdish groups.
Volksverteidigungseinheiten – Wikipedia
Die Volksverteidigungseinheiten (kurdisch Yekîneyên Parastina Gel, Kürzel YPG, arabisch وحدات حماية الشعب, DMG Waḥdāt Ḥimāyat aš-Šaʿb) oder für die Gesamtstreitkräfte YPG/YPJ bzw. YPG/J[Anm. 1] sind eine bewaffnete kurdische Miliz in Syrien.
What is the Syrian Kurdish YPG? | Reuters
2023年10月5日 · U.S.-allied Syrian Kurdish forces said on Thursday that Turkish attacks had killed eight people in an escalation prompted by a bomb attack in Ankara claimed by Kurdish militants.
YPG International - Wikipedia
The YPG International or People's Protection Units International (Kurdish: YPG Enternasyonel) is a military unit made up of foreign fighters in the Syrian Democratic Forces.
What is the Syrian Kurdish YPG? | Reuters
2022年11月14日 · Turkey has said the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia were responsible for a blast on the historic Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul on Sunday that killed six people, an...
YPG: People’s Protection Units - The Kurdish Project
YPG is an acronym whose translation means People’s Protection Units. It is the home grown defense forces of the Kurdish area of Syria. It emerged after the Civil War erupted in Syria and started to spill over into Syrian Kurdistan, now known as Rojava, or Western Kurdistan.
Unités de protection du peuple — Wikipédia
Les Unités de protection du peuple (en kurde : Yekîneyên Parastina Gel, abrégé YPG, prononcé [ jɛ.pɛ. g ɛ]) forment la branche armée du Parti de l'union démocratique (PYD) kurde en Syrie. Elles sont créées en 2011 lors de la guerre civile syrienne.
The Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat (PYD) and its military wings, the YPG/YPJ, are the dominant political and military entities in north-eastern Syria. At present, the declared objectives of the PYD are twofold: the constitutional recognition of Kurdish rights, and democratic autonomy in which local communes govern within the unity of Syria.
Exclusive: Syrian Kurdish YPG aims to expand force to over 100,000
The Syrian Kurdish YPG militia aims to expand its force by about two-thirds to more than 100,000 fighters this year, it told Reuters, a plan that would strengthen autonomous Kurdish...
The YPG/PYD during the Syrian conflict - Clingendael
2021年4月19日 · This analysis sheds new light on the rise and evolution of the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the Syrian conflict. They are neither just emergent democrats, terrorists, Assad’s henchmen or rebels, but combine all these elements in a …