People's Defense Units - Wikipedia
The YPG was formed in 2011. It expanded rapidly in the Syrian Civil War and came to predominate over other armed Syrian Kurdish groups. A sister militia, the Women's Protection …
Women's Protection Units - Wikipedia
The Women's Protection Units[a] (YPJ) or Women's Defense Units is an all-female militia involved in the Syrian civil war. [9] The YPJ is part of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the armed forces …
YPG | Yekîneyên Parastina Gel
The People’s Defense Units (YPG) [also People’s Protection Units] is the official army of Rojava-Northern Syria Federation. After the Syrian Baath regime’s attacks in 2004, small units started …
What is the Syrian Kurdish YPG? | Reuters
2022年11月14日 · Turkey has said the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia were responsible for a blast on the historic Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul on Sunday …
Front Page - YPG-YPJ international
YPG-YPJ International are Internationalist Revolutionaries who have joined the Women’s Revolution in Rojava and Northeast Syria that is aiming on a democratic and ecological …
About us - YPG-YPJ international
Established in 2011 in Rojava, northern Syria, the YPG-YPJ is a multi-ethnic defense force, encompassing Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, and others. The YPG-YPJ garnered international …
YPG: People’s Protection Units - The Kurdish Project
YPG is an acronym whose translation means People’s Protection Units. It is the home grown defense forces of the Kurdish area of Syria. It emerged after the Civil War erupted in Syria and …
库尔德女子自卫军(YPJ)正式组建于2012年,是土耳其工人党PPK在叙利亚的分支,与库尔德男子自卫队YPG共同作战。 在叙利亚内战期间,她们几乎参加了所有的大型战事,并且表现英勇。
FAQ - YPG-YPJ international
YPG/YPJ is a people’s army. No one needs any prior military experience. Everything you need to know you can learn here. What do I need to bring? During the application process we will …
罗贾瓦武装力量(YPG×YPJ) - 知乎
2019年10月20日 · 罗贾瓦武装力量YPG+YPJ(2003——) YPG(People’s Protection Unit)人民保护部队。 YPJ(Women’s Protection Unit)妇女保护部队