Youth Self-Report 11-18 - The National Child Traumatic Stress …
The Youth Self-Report (YSR) is a widely used child-report measure that assesses problem behaviors along two “broadband scales”: Internalizing and Externalizing. It also scores eight empirically based syndromes and DSM-oriented scales, and provides a …
Youth Self-Report (YSR) | Measures Library - University of Miami
The Youth Self Report (ages 11-18) (Achenbach, 2001) is a 112 item scale that measures problem behaviors, socially desirable behaviors, narrow-band syndromes (Anxious-Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Social Problems, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, Rule-Breaking Behavior, and Aggressive Behavior), and broad-band ...
Description of measure: Youth Self Report (YSR) is derived from Child Behavior Check List/4-18 (CBCL). It is a self administered form designed for use with adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. The YSR 112 items that measure eight sub-scale symptoms: withdrawn, somatic complaints, anxiety and depression, social problems,
I. Please list the sports you most like Compared to others of your age, Compared to others of your age, to take part in. For example: swimming, about how much time do you how well do you do each one? baseball, skating, skate boarding, bike spend in each? riding, fishing, etc.
青少年自评量表(YSR) - 量表与设备 - 俺会心理网
2015年12月4日 · YSR 适用于11~18 岁的青少年,一般来讲适用于阅读水平高于小学5年级者,当然对于阅读水平较差的青少年也可以由实施者口述给被试。 测试开始时实施者通常这样说“ 我们希望你填写这张表格,以使我们知道你的兴趣、你的感受和行为方面的情况”,同时要向被试保证试卷是不公开的。 YSR在国外应用较广泛,但在国内应用不多,只有作者对1991 年以前版本的信度和效度作了报道。
Gathers information about school-age children’s behaviors (CBCL 6–18 years, TRF 6–18 years, YSR 11–18 years)
Please print YOUTH SELF-REPORT FOR AGES 11-18 SAMPLE DO NOT COPY. 81945_CBCL_501 4/9/09 9:14 AM Page 2 Please be sure you answered all items. SAMPLE DO NOT COPY. 81945_CBCL_501 4/9/09 9:14 AM Page 3 Please be sure you answered all items. Then see other side. I am too dependent on adults 81945_CBCL_501 4/9/09 9:14 AM Page 3
青少年自评量表 (11~18岁)-常笑医学网 - cxmed.cn
YSR适用于11~18 岁的青少年,一般来讲适用于阅读水平高于小学5年级者,当然对于阅读水平较差的青少年也可以由实施者口述给被试。 测试开始时实施者通常这样说“我们希望你填写这张表格,以使我们知道你的兴趣、你的感受和行为方面的情况”,同时要向被试保证试卷是不公开的。 YSR条目内容大部分与CBCL问题部分的条目内容一致;有16个社会期望性条目取代CBCL中用于低于11岁的儿童而不适于青少年该年龄阶段和有关青少年留级、学业成绩方面的条目;第2 …
YOUTH SELF-REPORT/11-18 (50 per Package) - Achenbach …
The YSR can be completed by youths having 5th grade reading skills, or administered orally. It has most of the same competence & problem items as the CBCL/6-18. Fourteen CBCL problem items are replaced with socially desirable items endorsed …
YSR - Fragebogen für Jugendliche - Testzentrale
Der Fragebogen für Jugendliche im Alter von 11-18 Jahren kann von Jugendlichen eigenständig ausgefüllt werden. Der YSR bezieht sich auf Probleme, die auch im Elternfragebogen (CBCL) erfragt werden. 16 Fragen aus dem Elternfragebogen (CBCL) wurden durch Fragen ersetzt, die sich auf sozial erwünschtes Verhalten beziehen.
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