How to become a monk | Strict Rules, Discipline, Monk life ... - YouTube
Welcome to "The Inner Wellness Tribe with Dr. YSR", a sanctuary of spiritual awakening and self-discovery. Each episode, guided by Dr. YSR, unites thought le...
Dr. Yogendra Singh Rathore - Founder - Lead Monk Digital
Mr. Yogendra Singh Rathore is an internationally acclaimed Speaker, One of India’s Top NLP Expert, Award winning Marketing Influencer, Amazon No.1 bestselling author of 10 books, including the...
- 职位: NLP Expert | Doctor of Science …
- 位置: Lead Monk Digital
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Reaching on Top is not Hard | Monk's Life | Dr YSR Podcast …
In these short video a Monk explains why reaching on top is not hard but staying on top, being consistent with success is hard. And beautifully explains how ...
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更多 新闻聚焦 . 2025年01月06日企业新闻 ysr微信自助服务功能更新介绍; 2024年08月13日企业新闻 【展会预览】ysr与您相约2024wrc博览会; 2024年07月16日企业新闻 安川首钢售后服务平台【故障自诊】功能上线; 2024年07月08日企业新闻 【展会预览】ysr携手首钢集团带您走进2024科博会
心理学请问:Achenbach青少年行为自评量表(YSR)里各个维度 …
以下是我找这个网站的艰苦经历,想直接要结果的可以直接看下一段! 我翻遍各大网站死活找不到YSR的使用手册和维度分类,找了一天终于在一个叫search gate的网站找到了作者发表的文献,可是如果想查看全文只能注册账号并且和作者申请....普通小白还注册不了账号,只能去淘宝购买。 然而向作者发出申请之后,作者两天都没回我,整个人感觉心凉...甚至到最后我的导师都帮我向作者发邮件,但也没有得到回复。 总之能想的办法我都想了,查量表大全,百度问答,网上让人 …
Psychotic and Atypical Behavior | The NKI Rockland Sample
The YSR is a 112-item self-report designed for children and adolescents (ages 11-17), that assesses behavioral competency and behavioral problems and parallels the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Behaviors are rated on a 3-point scale: 0-Not true, 1-Somewhat or sometimes true and 2-Very true or often true, based on the preceding 6-months.
GuniGuru :: Yogendra Singh Rathore - An Entrepreneur, NLP …
2023年11月27日 · YSR Sir is an entrepreneur, Amazon best selling author, and NLP expert in India. He has inspired 2 million lives through videos. Visit GuniGuru for his NLP courses!
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Yamaha forhandler på Sjælland | Salg af nye & brugte MC | YSR
Årets YAMAHA forhandler 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 førende. Vi er en Yamaha og MC-forhandler i Roskilde, som dækker København og resten af Sjælland. I vores brede udvalg af produkter, kan vi som en af de få Yamaha-forhandlere blandt andet tilbyde:
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