54C Fun Day - YTL Foundation
During the March and June school holidays 54C organised a programme of English activity days for the children of YTL staff. Both days were a great success with 25 children attending the …
Our Academy - YTL Foundation
We believe that education never stops. When the pandemic disrupted learning at 54C, the YTL Learning Space, we made an immediate transition to online learning, ensuring that education …
Leaps Academy - YTL Foundation
Over the school holidays, 54C runs free programmes for the children of YTL staff, all to ensure they could acquire new skills, make new friends, and have fun while learning. The children …
YTL Sustainability - Equal Accessibility to Education
Since the launch of 54C, the programmes have supported underprivileged children from 15 community-based schools and over 40 volunteer teachers. In addition, 54C organised school …
YTL Foundation - Our recent 54c holiday programme for... - Facebook
Our recent 54c holiday programme for children of YTL staff was a big hit! The day was full of fantastic activities including science, craft and music. We hope your children made new friends …
YTL Sustainability - YTL Construction's Journey ... - YTL Corporation
Employees have volunteered to teach refugee children from Myanmar English language classes at YTL Foundation’s 54C community centre on Friday afternoons. Similarly, YTL Construction …
54c: The YTL Learning Space by Helen Barstow on Prezi
The Launch The space will be launching in December with a series of Christmas parties to introduce local and staff children to the Space. All are welcome to take part! Our official media …
YTL Foundation - Today our YTL staff children are at 54C,.
Today our YTL staff children are at 54C, YTL Learning Space for the Kids Holiday Programme! They are learning to shape items with soft elastic clay by moulding clay to form cylinders and …
YTL Sustainability - Leading the W@Y - YTL Corporation
The event saw women from different companies across the YTL Group gather at 54C, The YTL Learning Centre for a luncheon followed by a Q&A session. Datuk Yasmin shared about her …
UTAR and YTL Foundation bring festive cheer and STEM learning …
The children at the 54C Learning Space and local community members at Pustaka KL enjoyed creating festive crafts, including mini Christmas trees, Christmas hats and ornaments during …