Grab Throw Ytp Season 3 (2014) Carnage Count - YouTube
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Classic YTP's - YouTube
An Archival Collection of YTP's from the past generations of YouTube's first 10+ Years. These Classic YTP's have either been Remastered, Faithfully Recreated, or Reuploaded for Historical...
[YTP] Woody Loses His Schmoe - YouTube
After Woody loses his schmoe and gets toynapped by Dennis Nedry, Light Buzzyear travels a long way to find him so he can continue to argue about schmoes and ...
Caleb Poop Chain (Partially found VYEAL666's YTP Tennis; 2014)
Caleb Poop Chain is a YTP Tennis made some time in Late August 2014 by a YouTuber named VideoYTPEffectsAndLogos666 who is Louie from July 12 - December 4, 2014) and collaborated with AlkiNBoy7500 HD who is now MediaAPOCommissionVideoEditor8341 which is the bad knockoff to the successful and long-running poop chain which is Snully Poop Chain by ...
Young Turing Program
以電腦科學之父—艾倫.圖靈(Alan Turing)為名, Young Turing Program 少年圖靈計畫 的成立,著眼於發掘年輕的軟體人才,透過程式競賽、專題實做、大學教授指導、企業志工導師輔導、海外參訪學習,啟發台灣學生對程式設計的興趣及熱誠,引導學生運用軟體力解決社會問題,或改善現況,進一步突破跟隨歐美制定標準的框架,勇於創新、創業,為台灣培育優秀軟體人才,進一步提升台灣軟體產業的高度,建立台灣的軟體國力。 誰可以參加? 為國內註冊之公私立「國中 …
Videos made in 2014 - official-youtube-poop.fandom.com
YouTube Poops that were uploaded in 2014.
YTP-以屎自居的鬼畜风格 | 机核 GCORES
YTP,全称“ YouTube Poop ”,指那些通过剪辑手法把原视频进行恶搞、再创作的一种“鬼畜”风格。 YTP 的启蒙作品是YouTube用户 SuperYoshi 在2004年12月制作的《I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL》(2006年上传)。
YTP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
YTP (全称: YouTube Poop [1];日语: ユーチューブプープ),指的是一种混搭剪辑视频(Video ビデオ Mashup マッシュアップ),与 AMV 和 MAD 既有联系又有区别。 [2] YTP通过对既存的多媒体素材进行混搭,造成幽默、误解或惊悚的效果,这也就是YTP的三个比较主要的流派: Humorousユーモラス 、 Confusingコンフュシング 、 Shockingショッキング。 需要注意的是YTP不一定与 ACG 相关,而且可能包含 R-18 内容。 通常情况下YTP会由投稿者上传到 …
Lightning McQueer and the Quest for Tires (Partially found YouTube Poop ...
Lightning McQueer and the Quest for Tires is a YouTube Poop made by EmpLemon in 2014, based on Pixar's 2006 movie Cars. The YTP featured 3 endings which could be accessed by clicking annotations (a now removed YouTube feature). It quickly gained in popularity for being one of the first Cars YTPs...
UniversalFan707/YTP-Editor - GitHub
The YTP Editor provides a comprehensive suite of features for generating YTP videos by applying a range of effects, transitions, and audio manipulations. It integrates popular Python libraries like MoviePy and FFmpeg to handle video editing tasks, and allows users to customize their video creations through scripting.
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