Although I may use movies, TV shows, music, and other outside sources in my videos, I am using them in my own creative way to mold something new out of it. After the editing process, I hope that my...
WTF LUCA!? - [YTP] LuL wants a SPA | Luca on Crack REACTION!
Support the channel by becoming a member for as low as $1.99 💛...more. Reacting to another Luca YTP, Lul wants a SPA!
LuL | Official YouTube Poop Wiki - Fandom
All Over Hedge Heroes (Private OTH YTP Collab) Rescue Rangers To The Multiverse; The Super Mario Sunshine YTP Collab; Disney Sing-Along Songs YTP Collabs; The Disney Sing-Along Songs YTP Collab; The Disney Sing Along Songs YTP …
YouTube Poop: Sunflower Finds A Zombie on Her Lul - YouTube
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YTP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
YTP (全称: YouTube Poop [1];日语: ユーチューブプープ),指的是一种混搭剪辑视频(Video ビデオ Mashup マッシュアップ),与 AMV 和 MAD 既有联系又有区别。 [2] YTP通过对既存的多媒体素材进行混搭,造成幽默、误解或惊悚的效果,这也就是YTP的三个比较主要的流派: Humorousユーモラス 、 Confusingコンフュシング 、 Shockingショッキング。 需要注意的是YTP不一定与 ACG 相关,而且可能包含 R-18 内容。 通常情况下YTP会由投稿者上传到 …
Yall have YTP moments you've been quoting for years? : r/ytp
Yall have YTP moments you've been quoting for years? Gotta love the caveman bit from The Misadventures Of Skooks part 4. This and "Watch me Swooce right in!" Also an old YouTube poop which is sadly no longer with us. Grover from sesame street running in a circle and going "ROUND...A ROUND...ROUND...A ROUND".
Video :: [YTP] MaaM Max sends his Lul - Steam Community
A YTP based off of MamaMax's channel. Be sure to check him out! MamaMax: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpofQJ6RpHrxuUG4ghXPJBA Music: Heart Of Courage by Two Steps From Hell Enya - O
CHECK OUT MY YTP LUL : r/CallumsArmy - Reddit
2020年7月1日 · 4.1K subscribers in the CallumsArmy community. This is an unofficial subreddit for Callums Corner, a YouTube channel owned by the plucky and lovable…
[YTP] LuL Skywalker’s quest for SoS : r/ytp - Reddit
2021年10月11日 · 11K subscribers in the ytp community. Closed. Please visit /r/YTP instead, thank you.
Ben Dover - Michael Rosen YTP Archive
2023年3月21日 · These are a collection of Ben Dover's YTP's of Michael Rosen.