YTP - Finding Memeo - YouTube
Using the existing content, I have assembled a fast-paced comedy mashup video that is completely different from the original source material. These videos take me many hours to …
Dying Nemo [YTP] | A Finding Nemo parody - YouTube
This video was created using the 4K version of the movie. It nearly melted my laptop.
YouTube Poop / YTP - Know Your Meme
YoutubePoop refers to randomly edited Youtube videos that feature the initialism YTP in the title. These videos are made of various editing techniques, including appropriated footage and …
Finding CRACK - YouTube
A Finding Nemo Parody or YTP, name it as you wish.This was slightly out of our comfort zone, but think it came out pretty good!Hope it was a delightful meme...
YTP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
YTP (全称: YouTube Poop [1];日语: ユーチューブプープ),指的是一种混搭剪辑视频(Video ビデオ Mashup マッシュアップ),与 AMV 和 MAD 既有联系又有区别。 [2] YTP通 …
YTP-以屎自居的鬼畜风格 | 机核 GCORES
YTP,全称“ YouTube Poop ”,指那些通过剪辑手法把原视频进行恶搞、再创作的一种“鬼畜”风格。 YTP 的启蒙作品是YouTube用户 SuperYoshi 在2004年12月制作的《I'D SAY HE'S HOT …
YouTube Poop | Teh Meme Wiki | Fandom
YouTube Poop or commonly known as YTP for short, is a method of video editing, which became more popular as the success of the video portal, YouTube, grew. As it became the most …
The YTP Archiver videos - Dailymotion
I'm The YTP Archiver. As I'm sure you know from my name, I'm a dedicated individual with the sole purpose of archiving all of our favorite, beloved YouTube Poops - Some of which, …
YouTube Poop | Official YouTube Poop Wiki | Fandom
YouTube Poop is a series of videos made by multiple Youtubers which consists of sources such as cartoons, TV shows, movies, video games, advertisements, etc. The Poopers, or …
YouTube Poop | Memepedia Wiki | Fandom
YouTube Poop (commonly abbreviated to YTP) is a style of video that is considered to be a mashup of pre-existing media and editing it for the purpose of entertainment, humour, shock …
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