YTT in Lakewood - Imamother
Oct 17, 2013 · YTT does not, by any means, allow or tolerate television. When people say they are more modern, they mean the fathers by and large have jobs. YTT was the first alternative school to the Cheder (about 30 years ago) and was not started for problem children. The school is warm and accepting by Lakewood standards.
Info on YTT Lakewood | Imamother
Feb 10, 2019 · YTT is a lovely school but you must know that in every school you have to be on top of your son's situation. The report card says he can read. Pull out a book and see if he could read. He got an aleph in chumash. Open a chumash and see what he knows.
YTT Lakewood - Imamother
Nov 7, 2019 · Hi, I am trying to find out some more info about ytt. So far I have heard only excellent things but I don’t know anyone my age (young, sending first kid to school), sending there and I don’t know why. I know many people who went there years ago, who are now adults. Does anyone have a good idea of what kind of crowd it is.
Girls' School in Lakewood, NJ | Imamother
Jan 7, 2010 · Also YTT has the lowest level of education from all of the boy's yeshivos in Lakewood. And I have a lot of family that sends to YTT and that is one thing that they are very upset about. I also have friends that would have sent to YTT if their education was on a better level. So I guess it's all in how important education is to you.
Bnos Ester Malka - Imamother
Nov 8, 2022 · Our Yehuda, rabbi censors school, orchestra chaim, ytt. There's kind of a mix of an in-town young crowd and out of town plain frum crowd , like bnos brocha type. Back to top
Non Yeshivish boys schools in Lakewood | Imamother
Oct 25, 2019 · YTT And there’s also a new school called Yeshivas Ohr Hachinuch. Last edited by giselle on Fri, Oct 25 2019, 4:21 am; edited 1 time in total
Feb 3, 2021 · YTT is more to left of yeshivish. Kol Torah is really not run well. There’s no hanhala. Almost anything goes which is not good chinuch at all. They started taking in boys from chassidish homes who really don’t act or dress chassidish. It’s such a …
Toras zev of lakewood | Imamother
Jan 6, 2016 · My son in YTT has minor issues and when I speak to Rabbi Feldman who is the sgan menahel he is very helpful and on top of things. I would definitely say orchos chaim has more resources but YTT has plenty. I know 2 pple that switched from tashbar to Ytt cuz their kids had issues that tashbar didn't deal with. They are both very happy.
Is YTT in Lakewood easy to get in - imamother.com
Dec 3, 2019 · So I sent in an application and didn’t hear anything from them . When I called to follow up they said call back in a week and two and they’ll give me an interview.
Modern orthodox boys school Lakewood NJ | Imamother
Jul 16, 2023 · I know of 2 MO families in Lkwd. one sends to Livingston NJ I think its called Kushner. The other sends to Deal, I forget which school. Its unusual. YTT in Lkwd is not MO at all, its totally orthodox just not super yeshivish.