Type 85 and Type 89 Armoured fighting Vehicle - Chinese PLA …
For active concealment, two banks of two smoke dischargers are fitted each side of the hull, towards the nose (YW-534). Mobility Compared to the Type 63's 8-cylinder air-cooled, turbo-charged diesel KHD BF8L 413F which gave 320 hp, the Type 85 has a new, German-licensed Deutz BF8L 413F 4-stroke air-cooled diesel which develops a similar figure ...
GitHub - cugbrs/MLRSNet: A Multi-label High Spatial Resolution …
MLRSNet provides different perspectives of the world captured from satellites. That is, it is composed of high spatial resolution optical satellite images. MLRSNet contains 109,161 remote sensing images that are annotated into 46 categories, and the number of sample images in a category varies from 1,500 to 3,000.
Type 85 anti-aircraft artillery - Wikipedia
The Type 85 anti-aircraft artillery (Chinese: 85式23毫米双管高射炮, industrial designation YW-306) is a 23 mm artillery gun used by the People's Liberation Army of China. It is a copied version of the Soviet ZU-23-2.
Armored personnel carriers, optimized for transporting infantry during both offensive and defensive operations. Price Range. In equivalent 2000 U.S. dollars, the Type 85 carries a unit price of $297,000; the Type YW 534 carries a unit price of $216,000. In 2015 U.S. dollars, the baseline Type 90 reportedly maintains a unit price of $325,704.
M270多管火箭系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M270多管火箭系统(英语: M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System ,常缩写为M270 MLRS)是一个设有装甲的自走多管火箭武器系统。 自1983年 美军 首度使用M270火箭炮之后, 北约 多个成员国相继开始采用M270,而逐渐成为北约的制式武器。
【多标签语义场景分类数据集】MLRSNet - CSDN博客
2021年3月16日 · 本文提出了一种新颖的大规模高分辨率多标签遥感数据集,称为“ MLRSNet”,用于语义场景理解。 它包含109,161个高分辨率遥感图像,这些图像被注释为46个类别,并且该类别中的样本图像数量从1500到3000不等。 图像的固定大小为256×256具有各种像素分辨率的像素。 此外,数据集中的每个图像都标记有60个预定义的类别标签中的几个,并且与每个图像相关联的标签的数量从1到13不等。 此外,本文说明了MLRSNet数据集的构造过程,并给出了几种图像 …
MLRSNet Dataset - Papers With Code
MLRSNet is a a multi-label high spatial resolution remote sensing dataset for semantic scene understanding. It provides different perspectives of the world captured from satellites. That is, it is composed of high spatial resolution optical satellite images.
mLRS 项目 — UGV无人车文档 - ArduPilot.org
mLRS 项目是一个开源固件,它实现了远距离集成遥控和完整的 MAVLink 遥测系统,可在一些现成和 DIY 硬件平台上运行。 它支持 433 MHz、868/915 MHz 和 2.4 GHz 频段。 在 LoRa 模式下,根据所选硬件支持的信息传输速率、输出功率和频段,其传输距离可达 7 至 87 千米。 MAVLink 地面站(手机或电脑)可通过 USB、串口、WiFi 或蓝牙与发射模块连接,具体取决于所选硬件。 在基于 EdgeTX/OpenTX 的无线电上使用 CRSF 协议获取遥控数据时,mLRS 还会将一些常 …
NORINCO Type 63 (YW531) - Military Equipment Guide With …
The Type 63 chassis also serves the "Type 70" vehicles of the Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) and Type 70 Multiple Rocket System (MLRS) vehicle families. Export models include the 1982 "Type 81", "Type YW701" command vehicle, "Type YW750" armoured ambulance, and the "Type YW304" and "Type YW381" mortar transporters (82 mm and 120 mm respectively ...
Korean People's Army Ground Force (KPAGF) - Warpower: North …
The M-1985 is a 122mm caliber Multiple Launch, Rocket System (MLRS) and represents a locally-produced North Korean version of the classic Soviet BM-21 MLRS truck.