Yamaha YZR500 - Wikipedia
The Yamaha YZR500 was a 500 cc Grand Prix racing motorcycle made by Yamaha from 1973 to 2002. It achieved significant acclaim, especially during the 1980s and 1990s. The YZR500 was ridden by championship winners Giacomo Agostini (1975), Kenny Roberts (1978, 1979, 1980), Eddie Lawson (1984, 1986, 1988) and Wayne Rainey (1990, 1991, 1992).
YZR500(0W61) - Racing Information | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
yzr500(0w61)(1982) First 500cc GP machine with V-4 engine This was the first GP500 machine to mount a 2-stroke V-4 engine, and it featured a frame structure that eliminated the under-loop that connects to the Deltabox frame and a rear suspension mounted under the chassis lateral to the direction of forward motion.
ヤマハ・YZR500 - Wikipedia
ヤマハ・YZR500 (ワイゼットアールごひゃく)は、 ヤマハ発動機 がオートバイ ロードレース世界選手権 と 全日本ロードレース選手権 500ccクラスに開発・投入した、競技専用2輪車両(オートバイ)の車種名称。 YZRとは、“Y”ヤマハの“Z”究極の“R”ロードレーサーの意味である。 YZR500はヤマハ発動機が2輪ロードレース世界選手権の500ccクラスにファクトリーとして参戦するために開発したレース専用モデルのオートバイである。 このYZRシリーズの開発が始 …
Our Stories:23 YZR500 Conquers the World Grand Prix - Yamaha …
Six generations of YZR500 factory racers spanning five years from the OW35 in 1977 to the OW53 in 1981 had featured parallel-four piston-valve engines. However, the company introduced a new technology for the OW54 in 1981 and the OW60 in 1982: rotary disk valve air intake with the four cylinders arranged in a square using two crankshafts.
在MOTOGP上的经典名驹YAMAHA YZR500 - m.58moto.com
2022年11月29日 · 第一代YZR500(OW20)战车使用铬合金框架,搭载液冷二冲程直列四缸发动机,最大功率73kW,最大马力99.2匹,这样的动力水平在当时已经非常出色了。 首场告捷便赢得了法国大奖赛处子秀的胜利,这次胜利也打破了MV奥古斯塔在MOTOGP 500级别的统治地位。 1977年,雅马哈对OW35的对气门进气系统、冲程比进行了调整,采用动力喷射式化油器。 同时底盘也经过重新设计,更符合空气动力学。 并在1978年增加了YPVS的排气系统以提高性能。 …
二行程GP廠車千萬有找!Kenny Roberts Jr YAMAHA YZR500 …
2022年11月18日 · 這台YAMAHA YZR500 OWJ1搭載YAMAHA為了WGP500賽事開發的499c.c. V型四缸二行程引擎,擁有180匹的最大馬力,而且當年的廠車可是完全沒有電控保護,沒ABS也沒TCS,可以說是最純粹的賽道機器,對於喜愛純粹機械操駕樂趣的騎士來說,絕對是夢幻逸品。 這台1996年Kenny Roberts Jr的YAMAHA YZR500 OWJ1 WGP500廠車前陣子在美國iconic motorbike auctions拍賣網站上,以 321,000美元 的價格售出,換算台幣大約999萬元左右;作 …
Yamaha YZR 500 2000 - 2002 - Motorcycle Specifications
Max Biaggi had 3 GP wins and scored the second place in the World Championship. The last machine from the “breed” of 28 Yamaha YZR500 bikes, the Yamaha 0WL9 of 2002, will go into history as the “final” two-stroke.
YZR500(0W98) - Racing Information | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
yzr500(0w98)(1988) Twin mufflers and left-right asymmetric rear arm The 60-degree V engine bank that had been a remnant of the rotary disc valve era was widened to a 70-degree bank that better fit the crankcase reed valve engine, and the space around it was optimized.
Yamaha YZR500 0W61 specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
1982 Yamaha YZR500 0W61 specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.
Yamaha YZR 500 1980 - 1989 - Motorcycle Specifications
Yamaha YZR500, 1980-1989 The Yamaha 0W53 of 1981 is the last GP racer with a four-in-line motor. The frame was an updated version of the Yamaha 0W48R. Kenny Roberts received the Yamaha 0W54 for the 1981 season, a square four with rotary valves. The bike had a broader powerband but was more difficult to ride as it was heavier.