Bai Shu (白澍) - MyDramaList
26 行 · Bai Shu is a Chinese actor and singer who was born in Beijing, China. He graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Drama. He is under Beijing Little Orchid Interactive Entertainment.
- 出生日期: 1993年12月28日
仅显示来自 的搜索结果BAI Shu
Bai Shu is a Chinese actor and singer who was born in Beijing, China. He graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Drama. He is under Beijing Litt…
Thuja sutchuenensis (崖柏 ya bai) description -
在conifers.org上查看更多信息Trees to 20 m tall, sometimes shrubs; usually with a single round trunk to 30 cm dbh and a pyramidal crown of spreading, ascending branches. Bark fibrous, orange-brown when young, turning gray-brown, thin, soon flaking. Twigs not glaucous, flattened, in pinnate frond-like sprays. Leaves imbricate, decurrent, ap…Community Structure and Survival of Tertiary Relict
2015年4月30日 · A rare coniferous Tertiary relict tree species, Thuja sutchuenensis Franch, has survived in the Daba Mountains of southwestern China. It was almost eliminated by logging …
- 作者: Cindy Q. Tang, Yongchuan Yang, Masahiko Ohsawa, Arata Momohara, Si-Rong Yi, Kevin Robertson, Kun Son...
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125307
- Publish Year: 2015
- Publication: PLoS One. 2015; 10(4): e0125307.
崖柏属 ya bai shu Trees or shrubs evergreen, monoecious; branchlets arranged in a plane, flattened. Leaves 4-ranked, scalelike, base decurrent only on leading branchlets, dimorphic …
Thuja in Flora of China @
崖柏属 ya bai shu Trees or shrubs evergreen, monoecious; branchlets arranged in a plane, flattened. Leaves 4-ranked, scalelike, base decurrent only on leading branchlets, dimorphic …
Thuja sutchuenensis Franch. - GBIF
Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank SPECIES Published in
Thuja sutchuenensis - Description | CG Encyclopedia
Common names:Sichuan thuja, Sichuan arborvitae, Ya bai (Chinese) Description. Shrub, or tree to 10(-20) m tall, with trunk to 0.3 m in diameter. Bark bright reddish brown to grayish brown, fibrous, furrowed, peeling in short, curly flakes.
Bai Shu - Drama Wiki
Bai Shu (白澍; born December 28, 1993), is a Chinese actor and singer. He studied at the Department of Literature in Shanghai Theater Academy. [1] Weibo
Bai Shu - 白澍 - CPOPHOME
Bai Shu(白澍) born on December 28, 1993, in Beijing is a Chinese actor and singer. In 2015, he participated in the talent show X-Fire. In 2016, he starred in the web series Super Star Academy. In 2020, the fantasy immortal drama …
Thuja -
2018年5月23日 · The species of cedar found in China and Japan is Thuja orientalis, and is known as ce bai ye or ya bai shu in Chinese. Thujas are evergreen conifers, or cone-bearing trees.