Etymology of using "ya" instead of "you" - slang
2018年7月26日 · OED, rather than listing 'ya' as a form of 'you' and 'your', gives 'ya' (pronoun and adjective) separate entries with a distinct origin and etymology. In both cases, the origin is a "variant or alteration of another lexical item" ('you' and 'your') and the etymology is that they represent "a regional or colloquial (chiefly unstressed ...
punctuation - Should "ya" have an apostrophe? "Doin"? Etc
2016年1月11日 · The only time ya should be followed by an apostrophe is when it is part of the contraction of ya and will: ya'll. I see people mistype this all the time, ya'll when they meant to say y'all.
meaning - What is “Who are ya?” and whence it came? - English …
2013年6月27日 · “Who are ya?” seems a popular chant or taunt with English football fans, both on and off the stands. Is it a fair assessment that it means to diminish the opposition as unknown and insignificant? ...
What is the meaning of "I got you"?
The meaning depends on the context. In (at least American) slang, saying "I got you" means either "I get what you're saying" or "I've got your back". In child games of tag, saying "I got you!" means that you caught someone.
meaning - What does 'gotcha' mean? - English Language & Usage …
2011年6月17日 · A somewhat-natural progression from the "I tricked you" meaning is gotcha used as a noun: this is a feature of a system (e.g. a programming language) which trips you up or catches you off-guard.
pronunciation - How do you spell "Aye Yai Yai" - English Language ...
2012年1月31日 · The phrase that's spoken when someone is hand-wringing about a thorny problem. Speaker One: Uh-oh -- we have to reformat ALL THE DOCUMENTS! Speaker Two: Aye Yai Yai, that's a lot of work! "Aye...
Is "yay or nay" an acceptable alternative to "yea or nay"?
2010年8月13日 · The words yea and yay are homophones, meaning they are pronounced the same. Yea is a somewhat specialized word (“ yes—used in oral voting ”) most often used in a spoken context, so I would expect that many people would not realize there are two spellings for two different meanings. Using the spelling yay for yea is therefore an eggcorn. Here's a discussion of it at the Eggcorn Database ...
What is the proper usage of "Y'all" in southern American dialects
2017年4月9日 · Classically, "you" has had both the singular and plural roles, and if a distinction had to be made, the phrase "all of you" or "you all" is correct for the plural. The dual meaning is likely French in origin; the pronoun "vous" in French, in addition to being the general second-person plural, is also used as a polite second-person singular.
When is it appropriate to use "see you later"?
2013年10月23日 · I find that the phrase is used in all those situations, except that it always comes across as strange except in the first instance and stranger and more inappropriate as you go down your list. An alternative that sounds less strange is see ya! which works without strangeness in all informal situations even if it is impossible for a revisit.
What is the meaning of “you bet!”? - English Language & Usage …
2011年3月26日 · Who is saying the first sentence, and who the saying "you bet". Is person 1 saying the first sentence and person 2 is saying "you bet" , or this is a one complete sentence up to "you bet" by only one person?