O RLY? - Wikipedia
The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in Internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, [2][3] or blatantly false …
O RLY? - Know Your Meme
O RLY is internet slang for “OH REALLY?” with implicit sarcasm. Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums, O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any …
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
O RLY? 是 英語 Oh, really? 的擬音簡稱,即是中文 書面語 的「噢,真的? 」,是歐美國家網絡上的 網絡現象,常用於疑問或者諷刺他人言論。 它的整個形像其實是一幅 改圖:一隻 雪鴞 表 …
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
是 英语 Oh, really? 的拟音简称,即是中文 书面语 的“噢,真的? ”,是欧美国家网络上的 网络现象,常用于疑问或者讽刺他人言论。 它的整个形像其实是一幅 改图:一只 雪鸮 表现著“惊讶”的 …
2018年7月11日 · Tbh,RLY,AkA...这些老外短信中经常出现的缩写究竟是啥意思? 相比于中国网友们爱用的表情包和颜文字,歪果仁们更爱用短信或是Whatspp来聊天,而如果让一个不懂行 …
O rly - Urban Dictionary
Internet slang, short for "Oh, really?". Used in the following ways; often sarcastic: 1. In response to someone who has said/pointed out something very obvious. 2. In response to someone who …
Urban Dictionary: u trippin
2006年9月19日 · "R U TRIPPIN'?" normally accompanies O RLY? and YA RLY! as an inquiry of someone's mental state. It is most commonly used for additional clarification, but could also be …
你知道你的短信缩写和网页行话吗? - zhcn.eyewated.com
“O RLY”,(“哦,真的”)是一种俚语回应,表达对另一个在线用户的讥讽怀疑,沮丧或怀疑。 当别人提出有问题的陈述或虚假陈述时,你会用这种表达方式,并且你希望对他们显而易见的错 …
YA RLY | Dead Island Wiki | Fandom
YA RLY is a challenge in Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide. It requires the player to simply kill any enemies in abnormally large amounts. The enemies can be anything, ranging from zombie …
O rly? - YouTube
O rly? QueenOfRad 7 subscribers Subscribed 249 76K views 16 years ago Ya, rly. ...moreYa, rly.
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