O RLY? - Wikipedia
The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in Internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, [2][3] or blatantly false statement. Similar owl image macros followed the original to present different views, including images with the phrases "YA RLY" (Yeah, really.), "NO WAI!!"
O RLY? - Know Your Meme
O RLY is internet slang for “OH REALLY?” with implicit sarcasm. Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums, O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any statement that is deemed either highly doubtful or obviously true.
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
O RLY? 是 英語 Oh, really? 的擬音簡稱,即是中文 書面語 的「噢,真的? 」,是歐美國家網絡上的 網絡現象,常用於疑問或者諷刺他人言論。 它的整個形像其實是一幅 改圖:一隻 雪鴞 表現著「驚訝」的樣子,圖的下方有著白色英文全大寫字眼「O RLY?」。
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
是 英语 Oh, really? 的拟音简称,即是中文 书面语 的“噢,真的? ”,是欧美国家网络上的 网络现象,常用于疑问或者讽刺他人言论。 它的整个形像其实是一幅 改图:一只 雪鸮 表现著“惊讶”的样子,图的下方有著白色英文全大写字眼“O RLY?”。 这幅图其实取材自发音相近的著名电脑书出版商 欧莱礼 的出版,因为它的 动物系列 出版经常都有一只动物在封面。 这句字后来还有引申的回应: O RLY? (Oh, really? ,“噢,真的? ”或“哦,系咩? ”) NO WAI!!! (No way!!! ,“不可能的! …
Jul 11, 2018 · Tbh,RLY,AkA...这些老外短信中经常出现的缩写究竟是啥意思? 相比于中国网友们爱用的表情包和颜文字,歪果仁们更爱用短信或是Whatspp来聊天,而如果让一个不懂行的中国人来看他们的短信,可能仿佛就是在看“天方夜谭”。 显然,美国人也有自己特色的发短信习惯,比如一大堆你看不懂的缩写。 为了能让留学生能够顺利地融入当地,小编在这里特地为大家整合了那些基础的美国人懒得不能再懒得缩写. WTH = What the hell 什么鬼? WTF = What the f*** 什 …
O rly - Urban Dictionary
Internet slang, short for "Oh, really?". Used in the following ways; often sarcastic: 1. In response to someone who has said/pointed out something very obvious. 2. In response to someone who has insulted you or has aggressively disagreed with you. 3. In response to a boring, nerdy comment you don't understand or care about (i.e. a peice of trivia)
Urban Dictionary: u trippin
Sep 19, 2006 · "R U TRIPPIN'?" normally accompanies O RLY? and YA RLY! as an inquiry of someone's mental state. It is most commonly used for additional clarification, but could also be used after one participant in a conversation says something of questionable relevance or of a strikingly unintelligent nature.
你知道你的短信缩写和网页行话吗? - zhcn.eyewated.com
“O RLY”,(“哦,真的”)是一种俚语回应,表达对另一个在线用户的讥讽怀疑,沮丧或怀疑。 当别人提出有问题的陈述或虚假陈述时,你会用这种表达方式,并且你希望对他们显而易见的错误做出明显的回应。
YA RLY | Dead Island Wiki | Fandom
YA RLY is a challenge in Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide. It requires the player to simply kill any enemies in abnormally large amounts. The enemies can be anything, ranging from zombie to human enemies. If it's trying to kill you, it's fair game! The first level requires 2,500 kills, and the reward is 20,000 XP.
O rly? - YouTube
O rly? QueenOfRad 7 subscribers Subscribed 249 76K views 16 years ago Ya, rly. ...moreYa, rly.
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