Al-Waahid: The Only One (66 / 99 Names of Allah) - My Islam
Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is Al-Waahid (in Arabic: ٱلْوَٰحِدُ), the One and only God. There is no alternative. He is the sole originator from which all has arisen. He has no partners or relationships. None is equal to Him.
Allah’s Names and How to Use Them in Duas - Amaliah
6 天之前 · Al-Wahid (The One) When you desires and wants keep taking precedence over what Allah wants, call upon Al-Wahid. Ya Wahid, I seek Your protection from knowingly associating partners with You and seek Your forgiveness for unknowingly doing so.
Al-Asmaa ul-Husna : Benefits of reciting Ya Wahid (يا واحد)
Allah will forgive him any sins that he commits that day; and if he repeats them in the evening. Allah will forgive him any sins he commits that night. "O Allah! whatever favour has come to me, it comes from Thee alone Who has no partner; to Thee praise is due and thanksgiving,'!
66. YA WAHID - Sufiway
2017年1月2日 · If a believer, who is facing a danger from a very powerful tyrant recites ya Wahid al-Baqi awwala kulli say’in wa akhirahu (“O Thou the One, who remains at the beginning of everything and its end”) 500 times after his noon prayers, he may be safe.
67. Al-Wahid الواحد | The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah | Al …
“Say: He, Allah, is One” (Qur’an, 112:1). Linguistically, “al-Wahid” means: the One Who does not socialize with people nor keeps them company. To believe in Tawhid is to believe that there is no partner at all with Allah (SwT) in His authority, and that being One is a quality of His which nobody else shares with Him.
Ya Ahad, Ya Wahid, Ya Wadud – The Threshold Society
Ya Ahad, Ya Wahid, Ya Wadud. O You Who Hear and Understand All Tongues forgive us, for all the moments of misspeaking, for taking another’s name in vain, for riling defenses. You have told us to speak only with the most beautiful urgings. From the depths of our souls we long to communicate with You within each other, for You are nowhere absent.
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Wahid (the One)
2015年3月12日 · Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Wahid (the One) This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names.
Beautiful Names of Allah: al-Wâhid 66 - Wahiduddin
Wā h id indicates the solitary Starting Point, the One Source, the First of the Many, from which all of creation has arisen as manifestations of Unity. From a human point of view, the manifestations may appear separate and diverse, but in reality they are One.
Arti Asmaul Husna Al Wahid: Dalil-Dalil di Al Quran & Maknanya
2022年4月11日 · Asmaul Husna Al Wahid secara sederhana memiliki makna bahwa Allah swt merupakan satu-satunya Dzat yang Maha Tunggal dan tiada sekutu bagiNya. Allah swt tidak membutuhkan sekutu dalam menciptakan dan memutuskan sesuatu. Dzatnya tidak ada bandingannya dam segala sesuatu berasal kepadaNya.
Al-Asmaa ul-Husna : Benefits of reciting Ya Wajid (يا واجد)
Benefits of invoking Ya Allahu Ya Wajidu frequently. Purity, strength and peace of heart ; Higher consciousness; Guidance to Iman (faith) Attain spiritual enlightenment (Ma'rifa) Maintain attention in Salah (prayer) Get married; Affection between husband and wife; Become rich and powerful with ample provisions