Yaesu FT-1000 and FT-1000D Amateur Transceiver - Universal Radio
The FT-1000 is the fruit of over 25,000 man-hours of intensive research and development by Yaesu's top design engineers. Instead of merely offering incremental improvements on existing designs or adding bells and whistles to an old model, the FT-1000 project involves a wholly new approach to the application of the latest digital and RF ...
RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-1000 / FT-1000D
CTCSS/PL 88.5 Hz TX for repeater access. Twin RX. NB! The D suffix was not printed on the radio itself. Phone patch unit. Mounts inside SP-5.
Welcome to Yaesu.com
Deemed "best ever" by a leading magazine, the performance of the FT-1000D's receiver is without peer in the Amateur industry. Fourteen 5-pole RF filters provide initial selectivity, and the input filters are followed by a (defeatable) dual cascode JFET RF amplifier and high-level double-balanced JFET mixer.
Yaesu FT-1000/D Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu FT-1000/D Price and Specifications. 200 Watts HF all mode transceiver. 'The Best of the Best'. Simultaneous reception of two different frequencies, 8-pole crystals filters in the 2nd and in the 3rd IF. IF width and shift controls, IF notch filter, five DDS synthesizers, high-speed ATU.
Welcome to Yaesu.com
The Mark-V FT-1000MP utilizes a conservatively-designed power amplifier, consisting of a pair of Philips BLF147 Power MOS FETs, in a 30-Volt push-pull configuration. A fast-acting automatic antenna tuner and revolutionary heat sink design ensure reliable operation, even during the heavy duty cycle conditions of contest or Class-A operation.
Yaesu Ft 1000 for sale - eBay
The Yaesu FT 1000 is a high-frequency band amateur radio base station transceiver that you can find on eBay. It operates on the 160 to 10 meter bands. It uses digital and surface-mount technology and a powerful filtering system to allow you …
Yaesu FT-1000MP Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu FT-1000MP Price and Specifications. Advanced amateur HF transceiver with Enhanced Digital Signal Processing technology. Up to 100 Watts, Dual receive, three Preamplifiers, Collins mechanical filter, IF Width / Shift / Notch controls, AF Contour / Bandpass / Multiple Notch, built-in …
Yaesu FT1000MP Mark V Field Transceiver Yaesu FT-1000 Field
The new Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V Field is the latest member of the proud FT-1000 bloodline. The Field version brings you this leading edge technology in a 100 watts, self contained designed.
RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-1000MP Mark V
Collins mechanical CW/RTTY narrow filter. 500 Hz. IF: 455 KHz.
Yaesu FT-1000MP Mk V - eHam.net
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-1000MP Mk V Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W