Yaesu FT-818 HF/VHF/UHF All-Mode Portable Transceiver - DX Engineering
The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source. The supplied Ni-MH battery pack (SBR-32MH) provides greater battery capacity - 9.6v/ 1900mAh. Plus, cover any emergency with the included FBA-28 Battery Case that …
- 评论数: 23
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The new FT-818 incorporates all the many basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source.
FT-818 全模式便携收发电台-Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲电子设 …
- 增强的6W功率输出 (SSB, CW, FM) 2.0W (AM载波) *新! - 改进的频率稳定度 ±0.5 ppm : 内置TCXO-9 *新! - 更大的电池容量 : 9.6V/1,900mAh (SBR-32) *新! 产品彩页: http://www.yaesu.com.cn/shuomingshu/FT-818%20katalog.pdf.
Yaesu FT-818ND FT-818 6W HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Mobile Transceiver
2018年4月9日 · The new Yaesu FT-818 incorporates all of the basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source.
- 4.7/5(35)
RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-818ND
This is basically an updated FT-817ND with 60 m coverage, redesigned RF power amp, higher capacity battery pack and TCXO-9 fitted as standard. New price 2018 in Sweden: SEK 7295:-
走到哪可以带到哪的便携式短波电台,八重洲FT818全波段短波电 …
2022年3月8日 · 这台FT818在城市中上上本地中继,户外时架设便携天线玩玩短波,都是非常惬意的事。 除了便携之外,这款818还有一个 电池 仓,可以使用原配的电池也可以使用五号电池,这也是我选择这款短波电台的原因之一吧,毕竟可以摆脱 电源线 的舒服,带到哪不要插电开机就能用。 这款八重洲FT818前后都有天线接口,并且在菜单中可以自由设置,机器的精致程度也是选择它的一个原因,不得不佩服日本人的制造工艺水平。 当然大家也可以反驳,有时候看到一个 …
Yaesu FT-818ND, Yaesu FT818ND, Yaesu FT-818 - Universal Radio
The radio is a fully self-contained, battery-powered, low power amateur MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver for portable/camping/mountain top use. Providing coverage of of the 160-10 meter amateur bands including 60 meters, plus the 6 meter, 2 meter and 70 cm bands, the FT-818ND includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM and digital modes. This radio is ...
再续经典 实用至上——YAESU FT-818 新款微型电台使用测评
2019年2月18日 · YAESU FT-818为微型便携式电台设计,外形总体与一般入门级超短波车载对讲机相当,官方数据为135mm×38mm×165mm,重量约900g(不含天线、电池、话筒)。FT-818装上电池后会重些,拿在手里会感到这部小电台有些分量。
新产品公告 - FT-818 八重洲全模式便携收发电台-Yaesu八重洲中 …
新产品 ft-818 保留了八重洲 ft-817nd 所有实用功能:双 vfo ,分频功能, if 中频偏移,“ r.i.t ”调谐, if 噪声抑制, rf 增益和静噪控制; ipo (截波点优化); am (航空波段接收) , am 和 fm (收音机波段接收), vox ;内置电键; cw 电键侧音; ars 自动中继频率 ...
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-818ND - eHam.net
The new FT-818 incorporates all the many basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source.
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