RigPix Database - Yaesu - VX-2R
Modulation system: Variable reactance Max FM deviation (Factory set): Normal: ±5 KHz Halfdev: ±2.5 KHz Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB @ high output power Microphone impedance / connector: 2 Kohm / ?-pin Microphone input level: ? mV MISCELLANEOUS Manufactured: Japan, 2003-200x (Discontinued) Additional info: Related documents: User manual (1.4 MB) Modifications and fixes: Reviews ...
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Ultra Compact, Ultra Rugged! The VX-2 series unbelievably small, 1 Amp-hour Lithium-Ion battery pack powers a high-efficiency PA circuit to provide as much as 3 Watts (144 MHz) when using an external power source. This from a case even smaller than that of the VX-1R: 1.89" x 3.19" x 0.91" WHD (47 x 81 x 23 mm,
The VX-2R is a micro-miniature multiband FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing lo-cal-area two-way amateur communications along with un-matched monitoring capability.
HER ULTRA-COMPACT HT Ultra Compact, Ultra Rugged! The VX-2 series unbelievably small, 1 Amp-hour Lithium-Ion battery pack powers a high-efficiency PA circuit to provide as much as 3.
YAESU VX-2R OPERATING MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Yaesu VX-2R operating manual online. VHF/UHF Ultra-Compact Dual Band Transceiver. VX-2R transceiver pdf manual download.
Yaesu VX-2R HT Vertex VX2R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-2R is a microminiature 2 meter/440 MHz handheld with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring capability. It is the world's smallest HT with 1.5/1 watt output on 2M/440. Its incredible size allows you to take it anywhere.
Yaesu VX-2R - eHam.net
The Yaesu VX-2R is a microminiature 2 meter/440 MHz handheld with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with …
Yaesu VX-2 R (VX 2 R VX2R) user and service manual, …
1 天前 · Programming interface schematics for Yaesu VX-2 R (VX 2 R VX2R) : programming interface, Yaesu VX-2 R (VX 2 R VX2R) 4 pin plug Programming software (MARS/CAP/extend TX modification) for Yaesu VX-2 R (VX 2 R VX2R) : Yaesu VX-2 Commander download
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八重洲 YAESU VX-2R中文说明书 - 无线电资料 - 业余无线电论坛
2012年11月7日 · VX-2R的电子合成器提供了几个可利用的频道步进5/9/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100KHz,任何一个步进值可能对你在操作时都是非常重要的。 出厂时本发射机在每个波段设置的步进都是不同的,都是对本波段来说是比较合适的,如果你需要更改步进时,处理方法是非常简单的。 因为每个波段的步进值是不同的。