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The VX-8DR APRS®/GPS/Bluetooth® Handheld Transceiver is an additional version of the VX-8R that includes not only its solid features and specifications but also new expanded APRS® capabilities to meet the needs of even the most active APRS® user.
Yaesu VX-8DR 6m/2m/70cm Heavy-Duty FM APRS HTs VX-8DR
Yaesu VX-8DR 6m/2m/70cm Heavy-Duty FM APRS® HTs are fully APRS/GPS/Bluetooth® capable handheld transceivers. As a bonus, these USA-version radios also operate on 222-225 MHz with 1.5 watts output!
- 评论数: 5
Yaesu VX-8R, Yaesu VX-8DR Amateur HT VX8R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It will also transmit about 1 watt AM on 6 meters. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories. There is also an optional GPS unit and antenna with loads of features.
评测 | Yaesu VX-8DR是一个小巧但功能强大的无线电台 - 知乎
这个无线电台包括全功率5瓦的6米频段发送功能,附带的天线带有一个螺纹延长件,可以让它在6米频段工作。 然而,不要指望这个设置的性能与“真正”的天线或甚至2米或440频段上的橡皮鸭天线相同。 6米的1/4波长天线长达54英寸,最好配合一种1/4波长的对地反射器。 6米频段通常比其他VHF/UHF频段的噪音水平高,这也增加了挑战。 使用该无线电台或其他手持无线电在6米频段上操作在最好的情况下也是一种妥协。 话虽如此,它仍然能够工作,如果您离6米 中继器 或6米 …
Yaesu VX-8DR - eHam.net
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 …
Yaesu VX-8DR, Handheld VHF/UHF Transceiver | RigReference.com
The Yaesu VX-8R HT (Handy Talky) provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz (USA version only). It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories. There is also an …
VX-8DR 中文说明书-Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲电子设备科技
您现在的位置: Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲电子设备科技 (上海)有限公司 > 资源下载 > VX-8DR 中文说明书
Yaesu VX-8DR Review - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2013年8月18日 · More good things I like about this radio are it's great quality audio - RX came in so clearly when I was outside (better than any radio I've ever used), easy menu, compared to my previously owned Yaesu models, dual-receive plus AM/FM broadcast (basically tri-receive), the quad-band functionality, submersibility, the conveniently small size ...
The Ultra Compact VX-8DR/DE (2.4” W x 3.7” H x 0.9” D (60 W x 95 H x 24.2 D)) is thinner than the previous advanced model - It is packed with advanced technology and features, de-signed for outdoor operation. It is submersible and shockproof! The compact case combines a rugged die-cast chassis with the clean, tough polycarbonate resin front panel.
N8CD’s Handheld Radio Review #8: Yaesu VX-8DR QUAD band
The Yaesu VX-8DR is a lot of radio in a small package. First – some background on “dual-band”, or even tri-band and quad-band mean. There are 3 meanings for “dual-band” radio in amateur radio specifications, and it isn’t usually clear from the brochure which definition is used for a radio.