[ACT II] Siegfreid or Yaevinn? - Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2008年7月13日 · Deciding who you should support in ambiguous situations is the heart of this game. Role-play! You are Geralt -- which side do you have sympathy for, the elves or the order? Or, if you don't like either group, which group seems less evil?Just remember that the choice isn't really between Yaevinn or Siegfried -- it's between the groups they ...
Where can I find Yaevinn for the quest "The Unforgiven"?
Through some (indecisive) searching and piecing things together, I've decided that Yaevinn is actually unreachable if you help Siegfried in the bank robbery. Having checked all reasonable areas, I'm fairly certain that this is the case. Otherwise, my save file must be bugged. As such, I just decided to go with Siegfried.
Where can i find Yaevinn ? (Chapter 3) - Steam Community
2013年2月28日 · If you sided with the elves in the Gold Rush quest, then Yaevinn will be at Vivaldis in the Temple Quarter. Lol dude i finished the game ages ago :D lol im so glad this post was made even though a few years ago still helps plus witcher is coming out soon so gotta get some backround
Gdzie jest Yaevinn - Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2008年2月24日 · Gdzie jest Yaevinn Zacząłem zadanie Bez przebaczenia. Wcześniej wykonałem zadanie dla Yaevinn'a Echa przeszłości lecz w zadaniu z napadem na bank chciałem być neutralny co mi oczywiście nie wyszło i walczyłem z wiewiórami. Nie wykonałem zadania dla Zygfryda "Sześć stóp pod ziemią".Teraz kiedy...
Finding Yaevinn? | Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2011年5月8日 · Scenario: helped the Order, killed the rebels in the bank, Yaevinn escaped, killed Vicent Meis as werewolf (i believe i have a serious trouble because of this), placed the stones to locate the source, gave Alvin to Triss, did a bunch of quests, helped Thaler to walk away, killed all the Scoia'tael at the swamp.
Yaevinn's Fate - Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2014年12月26日 · Yaevinn's Fate Do we have any knowledge of him or his whereabouts if he survived? I'm trying to do some planning for TW3, and this would help me with that so if any of you could help that'd be appreciated.
Siegfried vs Yaevinn: The Talk Down - Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2013年2月27日 · Apologies that I do not have the exact script. I found it interesting that Yaevinn apparently intends to reform and build instead of destroy, at Geralt's behest. Meanwhile, Siegfried, when told to "fight the real enemy" (anticipating the subject to be the corrupt head of his Order) marches off to redouble his elf-slaying efforts.
Siegfried question? *spoilers* - Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2012年3月15日 · Mmhmmm strange, I sided with Yaevinn in the bank quest then went "all neutral" in the game and I didnt have to kill either Sigfried or Yaevinn..its ALL in the dialogues! When you are in the last part trying to find the GrandMaster and you are running around Vizima (in the riot) you encounter both if I remember, well you need to "carefully ...
[GENERAL] Who do you support - Squirrels or Knights?
2007年12月21日 · I also met Yaevinn and tried to help him deliver a letter to Golan Vivaldi. When Vivaldi got arrested I got him out of jail by paying 200 orens just so I could send back a reply to Yaevinn. The reply was negative but I couldn't send it since I had sided with the Order. When the bank heist came Yaevinn told me to either join him or fight him.
Can't find Yaevinn, please help! | Forums - CD PROJEKT RED
2015年11月4日 · Hello, I'm currently playing Chapter III and in order to complete the quest "Unforgivable" (At least, that's the literal translation from the italian version) I need to talk either with Yaevinn or Sigfried, but neither of them are anywhere to be found.