What is YAFU? - yafu.myfirewall.org
What is YAFU? YAFU's goal is to factorize numbers up to 149 digit length which are needed to bring Aliquot Sequences to a size of at least 155 . You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
For Android devices, download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon App Store. Run BOINC. Choose YAFU from the list, or enter http://yafu.myfirewall.org/yafu/
BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer. The BOINC app, running on your computer, downloads scientific computing jobs and runs them invisibly in the background. It's easy and safe. About 30 science projects use BOINC.
bbuhrow/yafu: Automated integer factorization - GitHub
The automation within YAFU is state-of-the-art, combining factorization algorithms in an intelligent and adaptive methodology that minimizes the time to find the factors of arbitrary input integers. YAFU has been referenced several times in the academic literature.
News from BOINC Projects - Berkeley Open Infrastructure for …
Recent items from the news feeds of various BOINC projects. Dear Einstein@Home volunteers, You may remember that we launched a Zooniverse project called “Einstein@Home: Pulsar Seekers” in October 2023. Now we have the first promising results.
Thread 'Welcome YAFU' - Berkeley Open Infrastructure for …
2023年4月25日 · The goal of the YAFU project is to factor numbers of up to 149 digits which are needed to bring Aliquot Sequences to a size of at least 140.
YAFU - BOINC Projects
YAFU is a volunteer distributed computing project that uses BOINC and needs your help to factorize numbers up to 149 digits.
2020年7月19日 · YAFU - Ancora un'altra utility di fattorizzazione dei numeri Lo scopo è quello di fattorizzare numeri nell'intervallo di 70 - 110 cifre che necessitano di factoring nel factordb. Si comicnia con numeri di 89 cifre. Ce ne sono circa 6700 che devono essere presi in …
[项目新闻] [BOINC][数学类] YAFU - EQUN.COM
2013年10月22日 · 在下载 yafu 任务前,BOINC里允许多少个CPU在算,yafu 一个任务就占多少个CPU. 而且优先级较高: 如果下载前有其他项目的任务,下载后都会被暂停,所有资源算 yafu.
Statistics and leaderboards - yafu.myfirewall.org
BOINC Statistics for the WORLD! developed by Zain Upton Formula BOINC (Team ranking based on position within projects, as in Formula 1 racing, rather than total points) DC-Vault (Include non-BOINC projects) Free-DC (Includes non-BOINC projects and completed projects.) You can also get your current statistics in the form of a "signature image":
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