Yakovlev Yak-25 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-25 (NATO designation Flashlight-A/Mandrake) is a swept wing, turbojet-powered interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft built by Yakovlev and used by the Soviet Union.
雅克-25 - 百度百科
雅克-25是 苏联 雅克夫列夫设计局研制的双座双发亚音速 截击机,1950年开始研制,1952年6月19日原型机首次试飞,1954年进入苏军服役,一直生产到1958年停产时共生产了480架。 [1] …
Yakovlev Yak-25 (1947) - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-25 was a Soviet military aircraft, an early turbojet-powered fighter aircraft designed by the Yakovlev OKB. The designation was later reused for a different interceptor …
That Curious Beast—the Russian Yak-25 | Air & Space Forces …
The YAK-25B, which has a “greenhouse” nose for good visibility, is considered as a light bomber, and acts either in support of ground-troop operations or as a reconnaissance airplane. The …
前苏联Yak-25RV高空侦察机_机翼 - 搜狐
2019年2月21日 · 将Yak-25B与U-2进行对比,两者在尺寸、起飞重量、发动机推力等方面比较接近,但U-2结构重量小、载油量更大、航程和续航力是Yak-25B的两倍。 Yak-25B的起飞重量 …
雅克-25截击机,一款苏联自用的战斗机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年6月9日 · 1951年,雅科夫列夫开始设计一种双座双引擎截击机,这就是雅克-120战机,后来更名为雅克-25,它曾与I-320和拉-200共同竞争,最后赢得苏军的认可获得量产服役。 该机采 …
Yakovlev Yak-25 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-25 (NATO designation Flashlight-A / Mandrake) was a swept wing, turbojet-powered interceptor aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft built by Yakovlev and used by the …
Yakovlev Yak-25 (Flashlight / Mandrake) - Military Factory
2019年3月18日 · The Yak-25 (NATO codename of "Flashlight") was yet another jet fighter design introduced by the Soviets during the early decades of the Cold War. The system was designed …
Yakovlev Yak-25 - all-weather interceptor - aviastar.org
The Yak-25 was the first of a long line of Yak twin-jet combat aircraft developed through the 1950s and 1960s. It was originally intended as a long-range all-weather interceptor, but was later …
雅克-25截击机,一款苏联自用的战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
雅克-25的服役时间并不长,在60年代后期退役,没有出售到其他国家,只有苏军自用,不过该机发展出了很多衍生机型,例如雅克-25B核轰炸机、雅克-25RV侦察机等,其中雅克-25RV是一 …